aquatist or soldier



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

bought for






Put a quote here if you like

True NameContent
Kit NameContent
Birth SeasonContent


This is where you can write out your character's basic description. make sure to include any notable features someone would notice upon first seeing them.
  • Fun fact about design
  • Fun fact about design
  • Fun fact about design
  • Fun fact about design
  • Fun fact about design
Enter Different Vibes And Inspirations Here
Body TypeContent
(Adult) HeightContent
Fur TextureContent



[Item Type or Bonus] Equipment 1Bonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

[Item Type or Bonus] Equipment 2Bonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

[Item Type or Bonus] Equipment 3Bonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

[STR] Starstone 1Bonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

Unequipped / Other

[Cosmetic] Accessory 1Gift from A

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

[Cosmetic] Accessory 2Bonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

[Cosmetic] Accessory 3Bonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!

[Crude Common Equipment] EquipmentBonus Info

Here you can talk about the item. Maybe give a description or even discuss how your cat got it!


Protective - Humorous - Intelligent
Calculating - Unpredictable
Manipulative - Cynical - Egotistical

This is where you can write all your personality info.

Add as much info as you would like. This character has Trait A and they show it through these actions.

  • MBTI
    • Content
  • Alignment
    • Content


























Skill Comparison Sheet
Primary or Secondary
Soulbond Skills
01.[Adept] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

02.[Novice] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

03.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

04.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

05.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

01.[Novice] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

02.[Master] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

03.[Proficient] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

04.[Adept] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

05.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

06.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

07.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

08.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

09.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

10.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

11.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

12.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

13.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

14.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

15.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

16.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

17.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

18.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

19.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?

20.[Unlearned] Skill Name

Here you can talk about the skill. You can copy the description and/or talk about how your character feels about the skill. How do they use it?


[50%] Physical Health

Here you can talk about your character's current status. Remember to mention what season this was last updated!

[50%] Mental Health

Here you can talk about your character's current status. Remember to mention what season this was last updated!


Once upon a time...

Backstory info Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce blandit purus eget lorem sollicitudin faucibus. Praesent id orci mauris. Nam id bibendum ipsum, vel ullamcorper augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent ut turpis sed lectus facilisis iaculis eget laoreet lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed vehicula iaculis neque, eu euismod magna consequat ac. Praesent fermentum at arcu nec bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus efficitur iaculis cursus. Sed luctus sollicitudin tellus, vel elementum libero tempus eu. Cras vitae massa sit amet lorem sodales mattis non eget tortor.

Integer tristique rutrum dui eu molestie. Aenean maximus arcu ut leo vestibulum commodo. Praesent dapibus consectetur nisi eu aliquam. Aenean in sem auctor, pretium justo et, consectetur purus. Cras varius porttitor imperdiet. Proin quis hendrerit odio, in dignissim magna. Quisque vitae tortor id ex facilisis auctor id id libero. Duis velit lorem, congue id sollicitudin et, condimentum eu tellus. Nullam pretium imperdiet nisl, id tincidunt odio ornare vitae. Cras dolor sapien, accumsan a hendrerit suscipit, porttitor at risus. Pellentesque faucibus convallis libero consequat iaculis. Praesent tincidunt arcu quam, sed molestie ante convallis ut. Praesent leo urna, euismod sed velit quis, varius suscipit orci.


Season ??? || ???

Sed diam velit, feugiat quis risus non, egestas ultrices nunc. Aenean sodales cursus justo, id tempor dui venenatis a. Quisque fermentum iaculis tempor. Sed hendrerit porta nunc, dignissim tempor velit scelerisque ut. Vivamus metus velit, commodo id rhoncus sit amet, semper id tortor. Nunc varius, diam at dignissim condimentum, felis felis dignissim ante, non fermentum elit neque eu elit. In suscipit ultricies imperdiet. Aliquam facilisis turpis leo, et maximus augue pulvinar in. Aenean pretium massa eget eros rutrum rhoncus.


Kit Name

Here you can talk about your character's kit name. Does it mean anything? Why did you pick it?

True Name

Here you can talk about your character's true name. Does it mean anything? Why did you pick it? Is it a null name and if so, what would their uncorrupted True Name be?


Sexuality Romanticism Status: Single/Taken Crush: N/A Significant Other: N/A Soulbond: N/A

What are they looking for in a partner? Are they even looking for a partner? Do they have one already, how did they come together? Or perhaps you want to put a song or some poetry here? Whatever the case, you can use this space to talk about that sort of thing.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries

Fun Facts






