


9 years, 27 days ago


Name: Alex Luther(S107)
Height: 178cm
Birthdate: Assumed 29. December / Actually 18. July
Zodiac: Cancer
Nationality: Japanese/American
Bloodtype: 0-
Age: 22
Status: Married -> Ariden Luther
mischievous | caring | understanding |a bit naggy | knows what he wants | emotional | sly | teasing

is a big fan of tea over coffee, but drinks both
snow, cold places in General; soft stuff such as pillows, plushies; sweets; baked apples with cinnamon, likes weighed blankets as they feel calming, Ariden, Salmon, Curry
the occasional time to concentrate on himself,

being alone all the time, summer paired with very sunny and hot days,
his medicine since the pill are big and it's hard to take them every day,
MAtt--or maybe not? OR maybe?? OR MAYBE NOT???

Work: Unable to work due to illness- gets too stressed at a normal job that he often deteriorates health wise
--LOVES his hubby Ariden~ | clings to him for comfort a lot
--would do unthinkable things to anyone who'd hurt his lover- probably a bit too dependent on Ariden for emotional support at times
--loves to take care of roses and owns many, sadly the apartment balcony is getting a bit full lately
--cannot play any instrument at all.....he cant even read notes but loves to go to the karaoke bar with his friends regardless
--can cook-- pretty good at it too ahha
-- his favorite food is salmon

-- Photophobia (sensitivity to light) Eyes and Skin therefore he shouldn't be in the sun for too long 
-- needs glasses here and there/ contact lenses/ sunglasses
-- LOTS OF SUNSCREEN before he can even set a foot outside
-- has a very low alc tolerance but enjoys the occasional glass of wine
-- always wears his ring except when he thinks it's going to get dirty or while cooking

Info about Mental Illness
Developed during an extremely stressful times in his youth together with DID which manifested due to abuse and neglect
Main Symptoms for him currently are Hallucinations and some occasional Disorganized thinking -> spacing out, word jumbled sentences
It got a lot better lately so luckily he hasn't had any psychotic episodes for quite some time now
He's currently taking medication. Schizophrenia is not a split personality disorder, more of a problem distinguishing between fiction and reality

Dissociative Identity Disorder
-he only has one major alter -every other change in his behavior is too small to categorize them as a distinct new personality
-second personality is called Snow because Alex just gave him a random name to differentiate them
-usually dissociates in situations that are too stressful for him

-Snow is a lot more confronting and less patient than Alex
-Commonly played the role of a protector personality
-Shows a lot more childish behavior compared to the original and often makes hotheaded decisions
-Often pushes the limit with the people around him until they get upset, later upset that they're upset with him because he doesn't want them to be upset
-has a harder time knowing when to stop and be serious
-funny enough, got quite an edgy sense of fashion going
-somehow tolerates spicy food a lot better than Alex
-Much like Alex, he depends quite a bit on Ariden for emotional support
-hotheaded, childish, possessive, impatient, snarky, argumentative without arguments, mischievous but fun to be around in a way