Vern "Painkiller"



4 years, 1 month ago


 I don't want to hurt you. But I can and will. Badly. 


ISTJ . observant . calculated

Vern, also called "Painkiller," is a Korean immigrant residing in the Bronx and overseeing a gang called the "Dead Eyes." Coming from Ulanbaatar, Mongolia after an incident with Hydra in his youth, Vernon has quickly attempted to restart his life and erase his past, initially an anaesthesiologist but falling out of the practice due to disinterest.

Vern is silent but deadly, always observing those around him. Judgemental but still loyal, he's willing to step up and fight for his people, making calculated choices run by reason. He's rather fearless due to his abilities, a bit laid-back as he monitors everything in his vicinity.


  • Black Coffee
  • Rap Music
  • Biking
  • Cigarettes


  • Hydra
  • Disloyalty
  • Cops
  • Korean Dramas


Vern's powers were caused by tampering with his parietal lobe, linking him to the brainpower of others and giving him full control of the pain felt by people in his vicinity. He can both increase and decrease pain, physical and mental, and can also control the pain he himself feels.

  • He's tried to push away his Korean-Mongolian accent, speaking as an American as much as he can.
  • When having to fight one-on-one, Vern is fairly skilled with a gun.
  • Vern's real name is Seung, but he doesn't go by it anymore.


Vern's parents, originally from South Korea, moved to Ulanbaatar when he was young and Vern soon befriended a girl named Sara, with whom he joined a youth gang in the area. However, after they and one other unknowingly tried to mug a Hydra agent, they found themselves misled and experimented on. Vern's parietal lobe was amplified, giving him the power to control the amount of pain someone feels - a power he swore never to use at first. Even after the three were rescued, he hid his new powers, scared of what harm they might cause.

Dead Eyes

At first, Vern studied to become an anaesthesiologist, cutting off the other two and moving to the Bronx in New York City. He used his powers to make sure none of his patients ever felt any sort of pain or stress - earning him quite a reputation in the field. However, he hated being in the spotlight, eventually dropping the job due to a mix of that and disinterest.

Vern ended up leading a gang in the Bronx called Dead Eyes, owning a retail store that fronts for them. Genuinely caring for them and considering the closest thing he has to a family, Vern watches over them closely, making sure they get their jobs done smoothly. Authorities are aware of them and try to stop their activities, but strangely find that any officers sent after them end up in bouts of extreme pain.


Sara Tsolmon [ ex-friend ]

Vern cut himself off from Sara almost immediately after the Hydra incident, wanting nothing to do with her or any reminder of what had happened. However, following her induction into the Avengers, vigilante activity in the area has increased, and Vern is doing everything he can to avoid her attention.

Robbie Baldwin [ rejected associate ]

Although not Penance anymore, Robbie has heard of Vern's powers and taken an interest ot them, despite his better judgement. He often tries to get Vern to inflict pain on him, both to enhance his powers as well as satisfy his need for the feeling. Vern declines every time, stating that he has no desire to get wrapped up with heroes and intends to lay low.

code by 00Ishikawa00