Lightning Bolt (WIP)



3 years, 10 months ago



Full Name Brendan Bolt

Gender Cis Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 17

Home Dimension Dystopia-01100520

Sexuality Bisexual

Alignment Neutral Good

Theme Best Day Of My Life

HTML Pinky


Lightning Bolt is a loud, energetic human boy living in Technetowne, DT in Dystopia-01100520. He goes to Technetowne Public Secondary School and lives with his cyborg mother, Annabelle Droyd, and his ghost/robot father, Shocker Bolt. He's got a bit of a thick skull and tries to make lots of friends, no matter what universe they're from.

One of the Dystopian Hybrid Squad members, Lightning is a gamer that cracks lots of jokes and tries his best to get smiles out of his friends. While he doesn't provide much in terms of financial support for the group, he does bring an incredibly valuable skill: communing with the dead (even if he doesn't quite realize it.) While Lightning is sociable and friendly, he finds it hard to make friends in Technetowne due to his "Utopian" appearance.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Amusement parks Lightning is obsessed with the thrill and excitement of rollercoasters. He loves the adrenaline rush.

Video games He likes playing all sorts of new video games. They're a passion and a hobby.

Drawing Lightning likes making comics, especially action oriented ones.

Beanbag chairs He will spend hours flopped on a beanbag chair.


Graveyards Sometimes the spirits are unsettling, and rude to him. He can't tell when they're spirits or people. It bothers him.

Homework Lightning has trouble focusing on homework, and sitting still.

Lying Lightning hates lying to people and being lied to. He's not good at it, either.

P.E. class He has good hand-eye coordination, but he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body.



Attack 30%
Defense 35%
Magic 40%
Resistance 25%
Agility 15%
Stamina 65%
Strategy 20%
Luck 55%


Funny He uses his humor to make friends with most everyone.

Kind Lightning tries his best to be nice to people around him, and make friends.

Spirit Talker His ability to talk to spirits is incredibly valuable!

Speed He's a pretty fast runner! He could be in track and field if he had higher stamina.


Oblivious He's not very good at paying attention, especially to feelings.

Low Strength Though not completely helpless, he's not very strong.

Impulsive Even if there's a plan in place, he likes to follow his whims and heart.

Dense He's, uh, a little bit dumb, but kind! It does take him a bit to "get" stuff, though.


Height 5'11"

Build Average, little bit thin

Eyes Gray

Skin Tone White, pink undertones

Hair Color Black, with a white chunk (natural)

Hair Style Medium length, sideswept

Demeanor Silly :)


  • He has a ghost earring on his left ear.
  • He always has his lightning bolt necklace on!
  • His friendship bracelet consists of his favorite color (lime green) and the color of his necklace (yellow).
  • He tends to keep it casual, and dresses in bright colors. If in formal clothes, he will be in bright, vibrant outfits.
  • He likes to wear layers, since he gets cold easily. His white sweatshirt is his favorite, since it's so soft.



Of Metal And Phantoms

Brendan "Lightning" Bolt was born in Technetowne, Dystopia, as the son of Annabelle Droyd and Shocker Bolt. Though Lightning himself doesn't know, due to him deciding to not ask questions, he is not Shocker's biological child, due to Shocker being a ghost. Despite him not having any genetic link, Shocker's presence during Lightning's growth before birth affected him, leading to Lightning having some sort of supernatural ability to see and speak to ghosts.

As a child, Lightning was very confused as to why he didn't have any metallic body parts, often trying to pull at his limbs, stretch out his arms like his father, or draw bolts and panels onto his legs. As far as appearances go, he seems like a completely ordinary, average human child, which is an abnormality in Dystopia. He used to wish that he was a robot like his father or a cyborg like his mother, though he has now mostly come to terms with being pretty average. Although he's okay with being perceived as Utopian, he's started having issues with his dad, mostly because the fact that Shocker doesn't age weirds Lightning out. He doesn't want someone that's pretty much the same age that he is telling him what to do.

Fitting In


When Lightning started going to school, he was ostracized for being different. His Utopian appearance threw off the other kids, leading to him not having a lot of friends at first. The only kid that decided to befriend him was Peter Neid Junior, since he had a father with Utopian features. The two became close friends, with Lightning spending as much time as possible with him. He didn't care that they were both considered weird kids for all of grade school, he just loved being with his friend. When Junior's father left, Lightning tried his best to make sure Junior was happy when he was at school, telling jokes, sharing lunches, and drawing comics of himself and Junior going on fun adventures.

As Lightning got older, his confidence and charisma grew, and he found it a bit easier to make friends. In his eleventh year, when he was about 16, he met Cosmo Nexus, a boy who was obsessed with magic tricks. Unlike his peers, Lightning found Cosmo's interests fascinating, happily watching his routines and acts. Ever since he befriended Cosmo, Lightning has been trying to get his other friends to befriend Cosmo, though it's been a bit of a process.

Puns and Portals

After being introduced to Arty and her friends in Marvel, Lightning is happy to have many friends that look like him and don't treat him differently for it. He thinks that this interdimensional travel is totally awesome, and he loves visiting Marvel. He sees less ghosts around there, though he still sees at least one when the whole Hybrid Squad is hanging out, namely the ghost of Matt Murdock following around Reilly. He's still not sure if Matt is just Reilly's dad following him around, or if he's even a ghost in the first place. The floating and the fact that only Reilly can see him doesn't seem to tip Lightning off.

Lightning loves all of his Marvel friends, particularly getting along with Jack Jameson, with both of the boys "bro-ing" around, lightly hitting each other, and generally just goofing around. He would have a bit of a crush on Jack, but he knows that Jack very obviously have a crush on Arty. While Lightning can be a bit oblivious, he's not completely stupid.



Junior Neid


Lightning and Junior have been friends since they were in grade school. Lightning has always felt a bit sad for Junior, seeing their family struggles and trying to make them laugh whenever he can. Lightning wants to make Junior happy, and he doesn't care how hard that goal might be to achieve.


Cosmo Nexus

Best Friend

These two are best friends! Lightning is a bit of an outcast at school for looking Utopian, while Cosmo is an outcast for liking magic. They have an incredibly close bond, thanks to their outcast status. They just joke around and have fun.


Blanket Pileaux


Lightning doesn't know a lot about Blanket, but he knows for sure that he can't trust him. He sees the way Blanket's gaze lingers on Junior, and he doesn't trust it. He wants to tell Blanket to leave Junior alone, but doesn't appreciate Blanket's hostile behavior whenever he brings up the topic.