B U G 🐛 (BIO 📋)



Common Name: Experiment-72 Scientific Name: Ursbuga Ribontis Mobility: Ursidae movement Diet: Carnivorous Temperament: Reactionary
Distinctive Features: Set of eyes on lower limbs Height: 2.5 meters - 8'2 ft Length: 2.5 meters - 8'2 ft Weight: 600kg - 1322 pounds


Ursbuga Ribontis consists of carefully selected genes from four diverse families in the animalia kingdom. DNA extracted from family Mantidae (Praying Mantis) has shown visual growths down the legs and formed a two sets of appendage growths on the back of Ursbuga Lentis. The subject has also developed a hardened thoracic cage made up of three sets of smaller insectoid limbs, holding internal organs in place which never stop bleeding.

Second set of DNA extracted was from the family phylum Nemertea (Ribbon Worm), which has resulted in vein growths forming on the exterior of the body, making Ursbuga Ribontis have double the amount our species has.

Third set was extracted from the family Dendrobatidae (Poison Dart Frog), presenting us with eye catching visuals and patterns all over the body. From the deep red to blue hue, covered with deep pink veins then complimented with chartreuse accents on the claws.

Final choice was chosen from the famous Ursidae family, specifically Ursus arctos horribilis (Grizzly Bear). The raw build of Ursbuga Ribontis is easily shown through this animal family, showing all muscle and no fat preservatives. The skull more defined towards the Ursidae family but not familiar enough to notice.

Behavior & Biology

Ursbuga Ribontis has presented a defining feature of secreting toxin from their skin that may prove fatal if no medical attention is sought out within 12 hours.

Tests have shown that the subjects bite force reaches 6000 PSI only under extreme distress, however normal bite force results between 2000-3000 PSI.

Various testing involving different tools/subject interacting with Ursbuga Ribontis has shown similar outcomes if invading the space of the subject. Triggering Ursbuga Ribontis to build heat along the red section of its upper body, flaring up a dim glow. Following the item/subject being broken beyond repair.