Quilla Encrier



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Quilla Encrier
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Bisexual?
Species Half-dragon Voidmage
Shifting Dragon (feral only)
Magical affinity Light (dormant)
36141522_Gn9bRMqNS0LPytW.png?1656034855 Link to ref sheet


Quilla is a very no-nonsense woman in her early twenties who thrives on order and structure. She is very protective of those she cares about, but overall can struggle to show affection sometimes. She has a mind for getting things done, and just isn't great at relationships. Her actions will make her feelings evident if you pay attention, however. She will sacrifice her time and sanity to protect and take care of those she cares about if needed, and if you get close to her you may notice her adding your to-dos to her own.


Quilla was raised as a candidate for the person to fulfil a certain prophecy. The prophecy turned out to mean more than her caretaker thought it did, however, and she and her co-candidate both fulfilled different parts of it. Despite this co-fulfilment she was highly favored by her caretaker, who beleived her to be more competent than the other candidate. Since the prophecy's completion she has moved on and found her own role in the multiverse, using the skills she was taught.

Ancestry, magic, and shapeshifting

Quilla is technically a voidmage, but her ancestry is filled with generation after generation of almost everything besides voidmages. Most prominent is her dragon ancestry. A dragon ancestor's magic is typically dominant over any other magic in one's bloodline, but such is the same for void magic. As such, the void magic she's inherited from her voidmage ancestors is at odds with the light magic she's inherited from her dragon ancestry, and so both have been completely dormant for her whole life. However, recently her dragon side seems to have won and she is slowly gaining access to light magic. She is capable of shapeshifting into a dragon, as typical of those with dragon ancestry.



Inkwell Encrier [ Twin brother/co-candidate for prophecy ]

Quilla sees Inkwell like a kid brother, despite them being twins. They were raised together and she was always protecting him from their caretaker. She can get annoyed with his antics and often tells him off for them but will also protect him with her life.


Tom [ ??? ]

They know each other somehow but as of yet it's not fleshed out.

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