Grant V



3 years, 10 months ago



Grant Volkon

"Terra rains down judgement upon those who oppose me."

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  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Commander Grant
    • Relationship Status Divorced
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Commander of the Aftershock Nation
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Left Handed
    • Age Fifty
    • Species Elemental


    Grant is a Terra Elemental with dark brown eyes and semi-long, messy brown hair that covers his ears. Despite ruling the Aftershock Nation, he cares little about his appearance, often wearing a dark green collared shirt, lazily half buttoned. The sleeves are rolled up and a black tie sits undone over his shoulders. He also wears black trousers and brown, heavy duty work shoes, laced up at the front.


    • BUILD Muscular and well-built
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Smokes

    • FOOD Fillet Mignon
    • COLOUR Dark green
    • ANIMAL Hawk
    • SETTING Bustling City Square
    • WEATHER Clear skies and sunny days
    • DRINK Strong, dark spirits
    • NUMBER Four
    • GENRE Historical fiction and political thrillers
    • ACTIVITY Military parades and state ceremonies
    • TIME OF DAY Early Morning


    • Power and Control
    • Loyalty & Obedience
    • Respect


    • Threats to His Position
    • Unpredictability
    • Protests, even peaceful ones


    • Hunting
    • Chess
    • Collecting Weapons

    Grant is the leader of the Aftershock Nation, known for his fearlessness and strong willpower. He is driven by his ideals and is determined to see them through. His paranoia, however, often leads to controlling behaviour and a lack of empathy for others. He fears assassination and betrayal, which has made him adopt habits of withholding information and obsessing over his legacy.


    • Strong Ideals
    • Fearless
    • Strong Willpower


    • Paranoid
    • Controlling
    • Lack of Empathy


    Grant yearns for absolute control and power, aspiring to eradicate any opposition and secure his position as the unchallenged ruler of his nation. He envisions a society where loyalty, obedience, and fear reign supreme, and he remains vigilant against any perceived threats.


    • Assassination
    • Betrayal


    • Often withholds information
    • Obsesses over his legacy


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Authoritative and commanding, with a stern tone
    • COMMON STARTER "Allow me to make one thing abundantly clear..."
    • SWEARS? Rarely
    • QUIRKS Tends to use grandiose/rhetoric language
  • Species

    [ Elemental ] An Elemental is a person born with the ability to control the elements, whether that is water, or fire, air, or even life. It is common for an Elemental to be able to control merely one element, however, sometimes they can control two. This is a very rare occurrence and there is only two possible ways for this to happen. They could be born with a second element, but this is extremely unique and comes with drawbacks. When this happens, the child often gets ill at a very young age, and some have even died because of it. The only other way for an Elemental to gain power over more than one is if they train themselves to master another, however, this is really hard to do and most can’t handle the pressure it brings. To be able to control an element, they have to be one with it, making it difficult to be one with two elements at once. They would have to somehow balance out the two so that they work together as well.


    [ Terra Elemental ] A Terra Elemental is a subspecies of Elemental. They are one of the four main types that make up Calizen’s population and are usually found in the Aftershock Nation. These people are often seen as bold, brash and very upfront and honest towards others. They are believed to be more level headed and responsible when it comes to their land, water and nation, yet have made mistakes in the past that still affects their nation today. They possess various different ground and plant related abilities, unique to each Elemental.


    As a Terra Elemental, Grant has abilities related to nature. He is able to Terraform the land, reshaping large areas and bending it to his will, essentially altering the landscape as he pleases. Often, he uses these powers to create defensive walls, but could also make trenches or fortifications. He is also able to merge with the element of Terra, gaining borrowed strength from the ground and becoming more durable with rock-like armour. As the ruler of the Aftershock Nation, Grant is an astute strategist, capable of devising intricate plans to maintain his grip on power and suppress any potential threats. He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and often uses his terra-manipulating abilities to gain an advantage in a fight.

  • History

    Grant was born in Minodorn Town, living a quiet life with his hard-working mother as an only child. His father died when he was still reasonably young from cancer. Growing up, things were rather boring for young Grant, but as he aged, he became more and more ambitious. Eventually, he left his mother and old life behind, seeking something more. He got a position in parliament, a small role at first, but with his knowledge, strong ideas and willpower, he rose up the ranks and eventually became the leader of the Aftershock Nation. Nowadays, he rules the land with a firm hand, controlling the actions of his people as he pleases, even more so than the Typhoon Nation. Grant is only opposed by assassination threats and other possible rising parties. One group of Terra Elemental assassins, called ‘Thorns of the Future’ is determined to kill him, with the hopes of their leader, Ivey, taking his place.


    Grant was born in Minodorn Town. Minodorn Town is located in Evergreen on U.L.E. and consists of mostly terra Elementals. This place was actually named after a creature, a legendary being only told in tales. The beast was said to have been so big, it caused massive tremors and quakes, which brought the world to its knees. The people in this town, however, believe highly of themselves, telling visitors and tourists that they were the ones who took care of the giant, bringing peace to their lands. Grant lived here with his hard-working mother as an only child.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Grant lives in Teranika City as the nation's leader. Teranika City is located in the Nokorem region of Arckos Island. This place is one of Calizen’s major cities and is run by Terra Elementals. It is known for hosting stone sculpting contests, which people from all over the world come to partake in. The first-place winner gets their sculpture put on display by one of the city's main entryways. This place also produces many stone sculptures for sale, which get shipped to all ends of the world to various cities.

  • Ancestry

    • Grant's ancestry can be traced back to Terra Elementals who were once part of nomadic tribes
    • Grant's family has a tradition of emphasizing the strength and dominance of Terra Elementals over other elemental groups
    • While proud of his ancestry, Grant carries the weight of his family's expectation to maintain control and dominance


    • In politics, there are many things Grant must keep from his nation in order to prevent panic and maintain his position
    • Grant's secret lies in his desire for recognition and respect from other elemental nations. Beneath his controlling exterior, he yearns for his nation to be acknowledged as a dominant force on Calizen, and he seeks alliances and acceptance from neighbouring nations


    • The eyes of an Elemental reflect their health, as they represent not just their element, but also their soul and wellbeing. If they are sick, their eyes become dull and if they die, they turn completely grey or white
    • Grant is the leader of the Aftershock Nation. His party is named ‘Vines of Retribution’
    • ’Thorns of the Future’ is a group of Terra Elemental assassins, determined to kill Grant, with the hopes of their leader, Ivey, taking his place