Dr. Pekcan Ayers



4 years, 1 month ago


Dr. Pekcan Ayers

30s? | 5'8" | ???


A broken and unhinged man, Pekcan finds himself without an identity or sense of self. He as a result comes off as aimless and aloof, struggling to focus on one task at a time. On top of that, he seems completely apathetic, especially regarding harm to himself. Sure, pain hurts, but with how many things [or rather, souls] ping pong in his head, he hardly has the mental space to let it stay for long. But dig a little deeper and you'd find a man desperate to get out of the situation he's found himself in, willing to do anything just to get lift the burden even slightly. All the other souls in his body have made it nigh impossible for him to function normally, to the point their voices, cries, and pleads became white noise for him. Fairly loud white noise, but white noise nonetheless.

He knows he used to be someone. A man of genius, of creativity, of ambition. That man, however, is likely lost in the sea of souls he found himself housing. And he doesn't know if that man's coming back anytime soon.


Before his madness began, there was a small town of 632 known as Abelwood. It was nothing special, but for Pekcan, it was a perfect town to call home. Not to mention, it was a great place to conduct some experiments: to answer some questions that plagued his mind ever since he first gained his PHd.

Could man manipulate souls?

It started innocent enough, a tugging of souls here and there. He tried pushing those limits, but after receiving serious criticism in his methods he pulled back...or so the town thought. Rather, his experiments went underground, he became more secretive of his endeavors. As he kept pushing forward in those experiments, they started getting harder to control. All of his work ended up coming to a head way sooner than he expected...and way sooner than he wanted.

See, he had finally built a machine capable of taking souls and funneling them in one place. He figured this would be the perfect way to achieve immortality: Just take a soul and move it to a new body? It made so much sense. He could see it in front of him: All the awards he'd get for his advancements in humanity. All the journalists singing his praises in the newspapers. He could taste it. All the tests were complete, there was no way any of this could go wrong, right?

How his hubris ended up being his downfall...and the downfall of Abelwood by extension. The moment he moved it from his basement to the main room and flicked it on, he had doomed everyone