Máo the Plush-Dragon





"Oh, welcome! We can be friends! Best of friends! Dont you think that? Oh, a buttetfly!"7ad3040b642f9ddde031165dc1e57922.jpg

 Age n' height 
???, 350'0ft+
Plushie dragon
Le wise dragon.


Millions of years ago there existed a large kingdom under the rule of a rather childish, but reliable king, a lovable queen, and a (maybe too) dilligent prince. However, there was one problem with the king: He was paralyzed and had no control over most of his body, stuck sitting on his throne and needing magical aid to get around. He could only move his fingers, and perform spectacular magic that bought great joy to all of those in the kingdom. Unfortunately, the king could never find any joy himself, being unable to get around or do anything without aid. He wasn't able to make any friends either, being viewed as only an idol to worship. Soon enough, the time had come for his queen to pass away. Leaving this king with heartbreak. With weak emotions like these, he'd be deemed unfit to rule, but the Prince acknowledged this sadness and thought... A royal pet would be an easy fix to the rulers sadness. But it wouldn't have to be any ordinary pet. The Prince had soon spent the next few nights using the kingdoms fabrics to secretly handmake a plush, enchanting the fabrics with his magic to grant the creation sentience and magical abilities. Once the plushie was complete, it showed high intelligence, the ability to learn and speak, and the ability to grow as if it were an actual living thing. The Prince soon handed this plush into the king... And in an instant, the two immediately clicked. The king dubbed this plush as "Máo."

Máo was not only given a bouncy personality like the kings, but he was also given the ability to quickly absorb knowledge to tell the king about his findings. He'd be occasionally sent out of the kingdom to find new discoveries to share with this king. He also proved himself to be far more intelligent and special than the Prince had anticipated, as he'd also frequently come back with new spells or learn new abilities, like his ability to create plushies and his time stopping magic. The kingdom seemed to have lived on for a while, until the king had suddenly and silently passed in the middle of the night. This left the Prince in charge... Or, the new king.

Máo was unsurprisingly saddened by the loss of who was to be his life long friend, and tried to bond with the Prince, but the Prince was too bent on war and trying to defend the kingdom, leaving the dragon lonely. Máo attempted to warn the Prince about how the kingdom could slowly crumble due to his overly stringent rule, but the Price didn't listen. Since Máo didn't want to sit in an unstable home, he packed his bags up and decided to leave the kingdom to explore and live his own life for who knows how long. Over the years, he ended up growing to be quite the long dragon.

After years of wandering, he eventually became pleased with his knowledge and decided to settle down in a nice cave to spend his eternity in. However, because his presence is fairly well known, he usually gets dragged into adventures with others. Although he's slowed down his research, he's taken interest in studying other realms, like the Other End.

Whatever happened to the Prince is another story.


Máo can best be described as bluntly social and cheery, he won't often hesitate to talk with whoever he finds. He has a bad habit of gently coiling around others while conversating and often refuses to release them, as he finds joy in coiling. Thankfully he's a plush, so it's comfortable. He's also very gossipy, being unable to shut up about others like the chatterbox he is. He likes to frequently tease people who are in love, in a playful manner. He is a generally playful dragon, so it makes sense.

Despite this, Máo is far more intelligent than he seems. Over the years of his exploration Máo has gained a lot of superior knowledge of the land, yet still behaves like an absolute dumbass who can't stick to one subject in a conversation.

Máo seems to be near unable to truly feel sadness.

Powers, skills, abilities, etc.

Máo is a creation of one of the most legendary figures in all of Eitor and was created to, besides entertain, absorb knowledge. Sure he behaves like an absolute idiot, but he's way smarter than he seems and has a good arsenal of spells. His fabrics seem to be industructable and can only be torn by the Princes sword. It's not like Máo will ever get into any serious fights. He doesn't stick to any particular combat style, he just spews out plushies constantly. His main flaw is that his spells can only ve used minutes apart from each other



Trivia: Máo's name comes from one of the chinese translations of the word "Plushy"

I don't know how he became a full-on character, I made him in 5 seconds out of boredom 

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