

Kenneth Nova SUPERNOVA Captain

Name: Kenneth Nova

Age: 18 Cycles / 28 yo

Gender: Male | He/him

Species: Virtual

Alignment: AntiVirus

Force: AntiVirus

Soul colour: Lavender (#b8a4ff)

Purity: 40%

Height: 5'7 | 170 cm

Birthday: 24 June 232 cycles


Full Bio click here

Kenneth is rather petite for a male, but he is very light on his feet. On a first glance, Kenneth always looked a little distance and aloof but that’s what he’s like normally, he would usually soften up whenever someone approached him, try to talk to him while not being rude to him, you’ll find that he looked more… sad. He can’t actually salt, he’d only get flustered. He also often just looks lost and confused. Somehow always get into situations that resulted in him looking like an absolute pathetic sad wet cat.

[S2 update] Kenneth becomes highly anxious and very skittish, looks like he would burst into tears at any minor inconvenience and he actually would

Kenneth in short:
- Sad soggy pathetic wet cat
- Needs help, does not want help.
- Trying his best
- Always confused
- Always lowkey scared but won’t back down easily.
- [Firewall] Very terrified

Design Note: His old refs are all still usable, but please don't include blue ring and purple bracelet with letter A when drawing


• Locked Traits: Functional Tether, Shifting Tether
• Type 1 Tether: Star markings on his back and shoulder
• Type 2 Tether: Floating stars
• Type 3 Tether: A halo with dangly star on his head, and a scorpion tail with dangly stars. He can smack or poke things with his scorpion tail, it's not good enough to be a weapon but he will use it as a tool. He will every try to trip people with it
• Core: A Scorpion symbol on his back

Likes and dislikes

✔ Soft and cute things ✖ Maze
✔ Fire ✖ Bats
✔ Fish ✖ Thunder
✔ Stars ✖ ✖✖ HUGE DRAGONS✖✖


Kenneth is an independent and reliable(?) person. The type that you could ask him to do anything, and if he could, he would do it, and he would do it well too. Kenneth is usually very focused in whatever he does, and when he does that, he wouldn't take note of anything that happens around him, he can get jumped easily. Kenneth prefers to be on his own, doing things without anyone getting in his way, even if they are just trying to help. However, if someone were to approach him first, he wouldn’t push them away immediately, he would try his best to stay and chat. Kenneth is also the kind of person who would be a bit overprotective. Come crying to Kenneth about someone wronged you, if he cares he would go and cut that person. Well, maybe not really, but he’ll make sure to let them know they shouldn’t mess with those he cared about.

+ Determined || Guileless || Flexible || Caring || Open Minded +
= Reserved || Independant || Jumpy || Erratic || Bashful =
- Reckless || Possessive || Aloof || Trusting/Gullible || Easily Distracted-

Personally I think this would be easier to read at his full bio

+ Determined. Kenneth does not give up easily, whatever he sets his mind on, he’ll keep trying even if he failed as long as no one told him otherwise. If he had really wanted something, he wouldn’t back down even if seemed very hard for him. All he ever wanted is to prove himself worthy, and he would do anything to get acknowledged. Kenneth would never go down without putting up a fight. He’ll fight, and do whatever he can. He can be very stubborn at times, especially when it comes to proving others wrong about himself. Kenneth is also the type that’d go an eye for an eye, whatever others do to him, he’ll return it to them. That may also have been a side effect from his imitation skills, he subconsciously feel the need to do whatever others do to him. Treat Kenneth nicely and he will treat you nicely too, flip Kenneth off and he will flip you off too.

+ Guileless. Kenneth is very genuine and he doesn’t lie, actually it’s more like he can’t lie, and that he is really horrible at lies and tricks that’s why. Lying just never works out for him. He knows how it feels being betrayed, and he wouldn’t do that to other people. He is very oblivious and will just say out the truth without thinking too much. Kenneth is very easy to read, his expressions and feelings are always shown clearly on his face and body languages, even if he had tried to hide it. Hiding his emotions just never works out for him. Kenneth doesn’t know how to manipulate, he leads fairly. Kenneth is very transparent with his actions and decisions, he would not hide important things from or lie to his division mates. Except his feeling, he tried to hide it sometimes, but it is extremely easy to see anyway even if he tried to lie so it doesn’t really matter much.

+ Flexible. As a Specialization, Kenneth is very adaptable. He would very much go with the flow and use a different approach if something doesn't work out for him. Kenneth may have his eyes and mind set on a goal he wanted to achieve, but he would easily change his plan and ways if that means getting to what he wanted faster or easier. In a battle, Kenneth switches up his fighting style as he learnt about his opponent's style. He can adapt to his opponent's style and work around it, provided that he managed to stay alive long enough to adapt that is. Kenneth is good at mimicking others, he learns from another person and uses it to help himself to adapt and cope. Kenneth usually has backup plans, and he knows when to switch to when all else fails. Even if he didn’t have any backup plan, he could devise one on the fly, although such plans are often a bit bizarre and works in an odd way, but Kenneth will try his best to make it work if he sets his mind on it.

+ Caring. Kenneth may be aloof, but he hated seeing others being upset, even if it was someone who was mean to him or possibly even if it was an enemy. Kenneth had a soft heart, he wouldn't leave any of his allies to be sad alone. Kenneth would worry about others a lot, especially if they were upset or had wounds that he could see clearly. He is always looking out for others, always trying his best not to accidentally hurt his allies out of reflex. When Kenneth was aware that there was only him and his ally, he would try his best to held back from lashing out at his allies on accident. Kenneth would care less about the viruses, but if they had looked miserable enough, Kenneth would just leave them. Kenneth is always worried about his division mates regardless of what they think about him, he can’t help but to look after them and try to guide them correctly. Kenneth especially dotes on Initiates and Neophytes, not caring which divisions they are from, which also explains why he struggles so much facing a younger opponent.

+ Open minded. Kenneth is open to listen to other people's opinions and suggestions. He may not take the suggestions, but he will try to analyse their point and consider it, or maybe keep it and use it for other things. He liked different thoughts and new ideas. If it sounds plausible or good enough, he would try to apply it to help him with his decisions or actions. He doesn’t mind constantly getting reminded repeatedly about stuffs. Kenneth is not one to judge other people. He may question out of curiosity, but he will leave other people to do whatever they are doing as long as it wasn't doing any harm. Although, Kenneth would be less likely to listen to someone if they had been rude or mean to him.

= Reserved. Kenneth doesn’t really like to interact with others much. Not that he doesn’t want to, he was afraid, afraid of abandonment and betrayal, also because he was bad at socializing. He can be not very responsive on idle chatters, mostly because he wasn’t very in tune with other people and he doesn’t have much to talk about. He gets very awkward on everyday interactions or small talks, and he doesn’t like to discuss about himself much, it felt rather embarrassing so he’d rather not try unless the others really wanted him to. However he would be able to talk more comfortably on serious topics like planning battles and such. He wouldn’t talk much normally, but he would converse with his teammate on missions, trying his best to learn more about them and participates in giving inputs about the situation.

= Independant. Ever since getting abandoned by two of the people he is closest to, Kenneth doesn’t know how to get close to others anymore. He used to be very dependant and clingy, but he just can’t do it anymore. Now he prefers to do everything on his own, not relying on anyone else. Anything that he’s able to complete on his own, he’ll do it. Things he can’t do alone, he’ll still try to do alone before he asks for help. He preferred to do things on his own since it would be more flexible and he will be the one that decides the outcome, he didn’t have to worry about the others. He has a tendency of not wanting to accept help unless he really have no choice.

= Jumpy. Kenneth is usually either very focused, or very spaced out, to the point where he wouldn’t pay attention to his surroundings. He can be quite fidgety when he’s not very focused on what he was doing. He is very easily startled, any sudden noises or things touching him is enough to make him jump and he would respond hostilely as a quick reflex, usually lashing with one or both of his weapons. When startled, he will get panicked, and would often strike first and asks questions later. There are times where he accidentally lashed at his ally for startling him. Kenneth is very easily spooked, though usually he tries to act tough and pretend that he is not scared, but it is rarely convincing. But as long as it is not one of his fears, Kenneth is pretty much able to brace through it and not being paralyzed by it. He is very sensitive to touch and often doesn’t react well to it. It is really easy to get Kenneth to be on edge and high alert.

= Erratic. Kenneth's mood and feelings changes pretty fast and frequent, and by extension, his actions and thoughts. At one moment he could be very frightened by something but the next moment he could get distracted, forgetting about the frightening moment and gets excited about something else instead. Kenneth couldn't dwell on one thing for long. His tendency to mimic doesn’t help much either, as he would sometimes end up subconsciously copying some behaviours off of someone. So sometimes his actions may seems a bit off and unlike himself, it was probably something he subconsciously picked up from someone else he interacted with not long ago. He is extremely versatile and it’s really easy to get him to behave differently in different situations. Kenneth sees the viruses as enemies, and his instinct always tell him to attack and give no mercy. But when a virus is talkative and tried to talk to him or is just being passive, Kenneth wouldn't know what to do, resulting in him interchanging between being mean and being nice to his enemy.

= Bashful. Kenneth becomes a blushing mess when he messed up terribly in front of someone else and getting teased for it. Kenneth is very sensitive and doesn't react well to getting teased. He tends to shy away from others after any mistakes he had made, hoping that he could fix them before anyone would notice as well as to avoid getting teased for it. Kenneth gets very defensive when his fault was pointed out excessively while he wasn't ready to admit it. Kenneth gets flustered easily, especially when he’s angry, and he tears up pretty easily too. He hates that he is sensitive, he had tried to control it. Kenneth doesn’t do well in stressful situations and he gets nervous rather easily. Kenneth has no problem being assertive even if he was flustered, it’s just that he’d be a bit fidgety and it looks funny as he tries. Being a leader, he know he has to try to keep his composure, he tries his best to keep his shit together and not to lose his cool around other people. Had to be a good role model while being the leader right? He tries his best to hide his nervousness and fake his confidence in order to keep his division/team spirit up. [Emphasize ‘tries’]

- Reckless. Kenneth relies heavily on his instinct, he often leap into action without thinking of the consequences. Even though him blindly integrated himself and placing himself into a lot of predicament in the past, he never learn to take his steps more cautiously. Kenneth is not afraid of death, and would not mind taking risks. In battles, he usually just go with whatever on his mind. To throw? To lash? To back away? He follows his instinct instead of reasoning. Kenneth can be a bit wild in his tactics, and constantly changing to suit the battle. Kenneth can be quite quirky due to this, he doesn’t care about logics, he just does whatever felt right to him, even if the plan is an abnormal one.

- Possessive. Deep down, Kenneth was already clingy to begin with, but he had tried his best to not show it due to the fear of betrayal. He couldn't hold back anymore when he started to actually lose people for real, people gets deleted. Kenneth is scared letting go, scared of losing people he is close to, he can get very protective over those that he cares about. He gets possessive, wanting to keep his loved ones close to him, and only him. Now that Kenneth became a leader, he gets especially protective and possessive over his division mates, he wouldn't be happy if someone else was trying to order his division mates around when he was around. He'll fight if someone tries to do that in front of him even if said person was a fellow spec.(Staring at you, Surrey) Only Kenneth himself can order his division around. He’ll make sure no one mistreats his loved ones and his division mates.

- Aloof. Kenneth can be very proud at times, especially when it comes to accepting help. He never liked accepting help from others, he didn't want any help, it just makes him feel pathetic. He had wanted to make himself independent, especially after how he was betrayed. He wanted to feel important and needed, doesn't want to be seen as someone who relies on others. It is known that Kenneth is some kind of a loner, he prefers to be on his own rather than mingling with others even if he longs for company. He can be a bit cold toward those that he didn’t like, especially those that were rude to him. He distances himself from others, not approaching others first unless he really needed to. He would easily soften up when others approached him nicely. Kenneth is not bothered by awkward silences at all.

- Trusting/Gullible. Kenneth blindly believes his allies, even if it is a blatant lie where even he questioned it, he would still trust them regardless. He would often not realize even when someone told a very obvious lie to him. Kenneth is rather forgiving, person that lied to him before? As long as they still treats Kenneth nicely, Kenneth would still trust them. He doesn’t know how to read other people properly, he is quite oblivious toward other people, so he just believes whatever it is they said. He couldn’t tell if someone was being sarcastic either. He also have a bad time picking up hints. He didn’t know how to protect himself emotionally, he can be coaxed to open himself up to others very easily despite having been betrayed a few times before. He would be cautious with the Viruses, but when he gets distracted or if they made a lie sounded too real, Kenneth would believe what his enemy said easily too.

- Easily Distracted. Kenneth can only focused on one thing at a time, multitasking isn't something he can do very well, unless one of the task he is doing is a repetitive pattern that he had adapted to. He may ignore others when he is trying to figure things out, he generally doesn't do that on purpose, he was just too distracted by his thoughts. He can be easily distracted and forget about the task on his hand. Giving him too much information at once would be a bit overwhelming for him to process, he would usually just drop it, and come back to it later, if he remembers to that is. Kenneth spaces off a lot and easily become unfocused, getting distracted by thoughts and ends up just staring at nothing. He tries his best to keep record of things, he is trying his best to take note of what is going on and remember things. He actually takes down notes to help him, but spoiler alert that doesn’t help much he just squints at his notes and be like ?????


Weapon list check here
Attack: 5

Defense: 1

Stamina: 0

Dexterity: 4

Intellect: 1

Fighting style

He does weird things. Gotta stay unpredictable and he pulls a lot of reckless and stupid specialization bullshits because he never thinks through his actions properly also because he is specialization. Will surprise his enemies with stupid and risky moves.

Kenneth normally fights defensively, preferring to keep his enemies at bay rather than engaging in close combats. Kenneth always blocks first, and attacks second if his enemy was aware of his presence. He utilizes his chained weapon to strike at his enemy from a distance. If he absolutely have to, Kenneth would rely on his speed to strike fast with his sickle, and get out of there immediately before his enemy would retaliate. Kenneth relies heavily on his instinct and speed when he fights. He strikes fast and he hits hard when given the chance to launch an attack. Kenneth is best at what he does with his weapons, speed is his secondary strength, he can’t do anything else good.

• Good accuracy and good control over weapon
• Very darn good mimicking skills
• High speed and agility
• Quick reflex
• Good instinct

• Low Stamina
• Can only focus on one thing at a time
• Easily distracted
• Can't handle stressful situations
• Can't handle brute force fights


Weapon 1: Lavender Scorpion 'Ria'
Chained Weapon

A sickle that is chained to a smaller dagger. The dagger is very light, while the sickle is slightly weighted. Kenneth can use the sickle and dagger as a close ranged weapon, at the same time using the chain to restrict his enemy in order to defend himself. The floaty parts of his weapon are fixed and can’t be moved. Kenneth can easily set his blades as well as the chain ablaze with his imbue skill. The chains can be summoned at whatever length he wanted, but once summoned, he won’t be able to change the length and will have to unsummon and resummon to get a different chain length. He always summon his weapon with very long chain length.

Weapon 2: Vengeful Arachne 'Ranae'
Spider Claws

Four spider claws connected to Kenneth's back with a curved base. One spider claw is made up of three study segments and one sharp blade, connected by flexible but frail joints. Kenneth can use the blade on the edge of the spider claws to slash or jab his enemy. Kenneth can control the claws freely like it's a part of himself. Joints are extremely flexible and is able to rotate however Kenneth wants. The blades are extremely sharp, if he only stabbed, the wounds would probably heal up easily, so he often try to tear the wound with the blade after stabbing.

Weapon 3: Crystal Starlight 'Stella'

It’s a really beautiful sword, very sharp and shiny which Kenneth had affectionately named “Crystal Starlight”. Adorned with crystals and a star on the hilt, some floaty crystal shards by the hilt, and some fixed floaty parts on the blade as well as the other end of the hilt. The sword seems to bear some resemblance to his brother Marshall’s broadsword. Crystal Starlight is rather elegant but deadly. The sword has three floaty crystal shards that softly orbits around its hilt and Kenneth’s arm when he is holding the sword. The shards often stay around the hilt but can also leave the sword. They are mainly used to block attacks although it is more decorative than functional. Kenneth can use it to elbow and stab enemy that came too close to him with the shards. It’s sharp enough to be able to hurt.

Ability - Expertise

Expert in use of weapons

Ability - Mastery

Master of weapon

Ability - Bonus

Additional attack move per round

Multiple - +1 Slot

Additional weapon slot

Multiple - +1 Slot

Additional weapon slot

Multiple - Arsenal

Unlimited weapon slots

Fire - Flames

Call forth flames.

Electric - Spark

The ability to control electrical energy.

Electric - Taser

The ability to shock a target. Debuff.

Electric - Lightning

Summon the destruction power of pure electricity upon an opponent. Action.

Wind - Gust

Basic control of air and wind.

Wind - Whirlwind

Formation of more complex structures with air, such as whirlwinds, wind tunnels, etc


Full Relationship chart


Cousin from the virus side...?

Older Brother

I'm sorry.
[Deep down, Kenneth still loves Marshall very much and hoped they can both get back on good terms again]
[Kenneth also misinterprets Marshall's actions]

Sister in law [DELETED]

It's- it's all my fault...






[A beautiful and sly gal, quite pushy and had returned affection to Kenneth. Same age as Kenneth. She played Kenneth and abandoned him, almost indirectly killed him by making him integrating himself. She probably found out she’s gay, also she had gotten Kenneth drunk before and that spooked her so that’s why she dumped Kenneth. She was a bit harsh but yeah, she had to in order to dump people like Kenneth. ]


[Kenneth had loved her and kinda missed her honestly.]


Pinterest board
• Kenneth is left handed (Kinda ambidextrous but left hand is more dominant) He held his sickle in his left hand, and dagger in his right.

• Doesn’t have the habit of checking the terminal.

• Often confused. Very instinct based, he trusts his instinct completely, sometimes he wasn’t even sure why he does something, it’s just that it feels right for him, or it is just something he subconsciously really wanted. He would doubt his instinct afterwards if things do go wrong.

• Kenneth talks a lot more and says things he wouldn’t normally say when he is stressed

• Kenneth still feel the guilt of when he killed a scared virus youth in cold blood. He can't bring himself to truly try to kill enemies who are young and inexperienced (or those that just doesn't want to fight), provided that they aren't being a piece of shit and pissed him off. He would usually try to scare them away instead of actually fighting. He would very much leave young and weak enemies alone or at least try to scare them away without fighting. Unless that enemy is being rude or is a threat, then he will fight. There are certain viruses Kenneth would prefer to not kill unless they are a threat or gets in his way too much. These viruses are: Youth, Neophytes, Initiates that doesn't want to fight

• Kenneth is constantly on edge, very tense, scared, but he usually insists that he is fine and not frightened at all and would not back down easily. Very insecure and wanted to feel safe. He hardly ever feel at ease.

• Kenneth is very rough when he’s in a playful mood, do not play with him. Especially do not play chase with him if you’re not a kinetic. Do not let him chase stuffs. He has 4 dex and he will tackle

• When he is upset he beats himself up instead of be upset at other people

• Likes to fish, seeing shadows swimming around in the water will make him itching to stab his weapon at it and fish it out

• Very sensitive to touch, doesn’t like to be touched, especially his neck and stomach area, he’d definitely flinch and frantically back away or reflexively retaliates if you touched him there. He is very ticklish.

• Ironically for someone with the tendency to mimic, Kenneth will 100% stab someone if his weapons(Chain weapon/spider claws) were called unoriginal and a copy of someone else’s. Only Kenneth can refer to his weapons with cute sounding nicknames, anyone else that tries to might get rekt

• Is claustrophobic and small/enclosed spaces/mazes leaves him nauseous even if it had been awhile since he left. Small enclosed rooms and mazes make him think of all the terrible things that happened during the disappearance.

• Will approve of his team to set fire on everything if they wanted to

• Kenneth loves all his team mates and are extremely possessive over them. Wouldn't be happy if other people or even other leader try to order his division around. Kenneth is too nice to his team mates he should discipline them more smh smh smh

Full History Click Here

(232 Cycles, Age: 0 cycles)

- Coded by Vincent Nova and Kristal Avery. Had a brother that’s 5 cycles older than him.

(237 Cycles, Age: 5 Cycles) Trainee

- Tried out support jobs, didn’t work well
- Thrived in combat training

(238 Cycles, Age: 6 Cycles) Recruit

- Joins team Kismet

(239 Cycles, Age: 7 Cycles) Warrior

Worked with Abigail from another team. They hit off pretty well.
- Kenneth started dating Abigail.

(239-240 Cycles, Age: 7-8 Cycles) Warrior[Disappearance]

- Abigail got Kenneth to integrate himself into the system.
- Kenneth is trapped in the system.
- Oh god fuck mazes and fuck these monsters tbh
- Kenneth passed out trying.
- Kenneth woke up to Marshall before him.
- Marshall decided to be mean to Kenneth and berated him.
- Kenneth was rescued.
- Kenneth confronted Abigail, it turns out she played him and tried to get rid of him.
- Horrible realisation that Marshall’s partner may have been deleted because of him.
- Kenneth left team Kismet and withdrew himself
- Joined a new team when he was better

(243 Cycles, Age: 11 Cycles) Recruit

- Joined a new team when he was better
- Joined a control battle, fought ruthlessly without caring for his ally.
- Ally and enemy virus died.
- Kenneth killed the kinetic virus, ending the control battle. [Kenneth deleted her]
- But then he found an orange virus youth hiding.
- Kenneth killed the youth in cold blood.
- It had felt good at first, but then he regretted it and felt guilty over it.
- His frustration subdued.

(248 Cycles, Age: 16 Cycles) ???

- Joined a control battle, fighting for Point Mu.
- To his dismay, Marshall was there too.
- Kenneth had no choice but to fight alongside him.
- Marshall killed his opponent and decided to tease and take over Kenneth’s fight.
- Kenneth lashed at Marshall to keep him away.
- Kenneth directed his anger at his opponent and rekt the virus.
- Marshall told Kenneth he was trying to help.
- Kenneth didn’t believe Marshall and believed that he just wanted to patronize him.
- They got the data points good
- Current team captain wanted to split new teams
- Encourages Kenneth to be captain of the new team
- Kenneth took it proudly

(250 Cycles, Age: 18 Cycles) Captain <- current



Spotify playlist here
Main theme:

Battle theme: