


9 years, 2 months ago



curious, playful, inquisitive, fearless, magical
Gnoobies are a plant species. Their feet are pointed at the ends, which digs lil holes in the floor as they walk so they can plant seeds. Their shoulders harbor either little saplings, or their flower (if they are a flowering species). Gnoobies have long since lost their ability to fly, and because of that, many have evolved to not have wings at all. Those that still have wings (often hanging plant species) cannot actually fly with them. Their tails are long and thin, with a seed reservoir at the end. Gnoobies can have a secondary plant species (RARE), but their primary plant will always be the one on their shoulders and tail. Fungi are rare. All gnoobies have vitiligo, a condition that causes splotches of de-pigmentation in their skin. While their legs are wood, they can still bend (although they do creak a bit as they walk). Their hips jut out sharply where their wooden legs start. Male gnoobies have sharper angles around their calves, and where their flesh connects to their legs (females have softer contours).
ABOUTSay’ri is a rare form of gnoobie, fungi mixed with moss. Her home is in the depths of a mystical forest grotto, where the foliage is so thick that the sun barely peeks through the trees. The twinkling of light spirits illuminate the forest paths. The tree where Say’ri and her fellow gnoobies live is massive. Its trunk is hollow, and moss covered steps lead into the tree and beneath it, where the tree’s extensive root system frames an underground village. Say’ri is curious, playful, inquisitive, and fearless. She is rarely intimidated by threatening situations, and knows from fungi hunting that even the thorniest, darkest paths can be rewarding. It was on one of her hunts for mushrooms that she found an injured wind spirit flickering dimly beneath a mushroom cap. ­After nursing the spirit, named Perlina, back to health, Perlina became Say’ri’s permanent companion. She secretes a powder that can quickly heal wounds and can stun enemies with a bright flash of light. Perlina has helped enable Say’ri’s adventures, further emboldening the wanderlust-filled gnoobie.