
3 years, 8 months ago


terms of service

Worth: 5-10 USD

please read through the terms carefully.

these terms were last updated 18 June, 2021.


  • Do not resell for more than you paid for, unless there is additional art.
  • Please alert me if you resell so I don't assume it's been stolen.
  • Please own for at least two weeks before you resell, my characters/designs are not fodder.
  • If the character is sold, gifted, or co-owned please let me know to who, as I do have a black-list that I do not want my characters/designs going to.
  • Designs can be changed, but not beyond recognition.
  • Payment must be sent within 48-hours of receiving the invoice or the character/design will be back up for sale. Please do not ask if you don't have the money.
  • I don't do refunds if you suddenly decide you don't want the character; but, you can resell and I MIGHT buy back characters I really liked or was reluctant to sell (at the price they're worth so you aren't cheated).

Once purchased you can..

  • Share wherever you'd like
  • Use for roleplay, stories, etc.
  • Make adjustments to design, change gender, rename, etc.

You may NOT..

  • Claim design/art as your own or change beyond recognition
  • Resell, co-own with, or gift to anyone on my blacklist
  • Use for commercial purposes