Ivy (Old design/writing)



3 months, 17 days ago

Basic Info


Ivy Solokov


Father Ivan, Ivy, Father Solokov


25 years old (August 3rd ♌)


Priest at Lighthouse Evangelism Chapel


Amab Male






White (Russian)

Religious belief



Demiromantic (but only romantically attracted to men), gay.


Ivy has a voice that's slightly higher than an average voice for his age, close to a young teenage pop star boy. He has a slitghly loud, very persuasive voice. It's pretty clear and warm and sweet, his voice is very beautiful. Sounds a lot like a sexy version of Johnny Yong Bosch voice acting Ichigo from bleach. But when you've already passed his facade and he's not trying to be sexual, his voice is loud, clear, and can be annoying.








  •  Chin length blonde hair with big brown streak covering right eye and hair curling inwards, 2 small cowlicks or hair on top of head similar to the appearance of horns, slim eyebrows, slightly long face with slim and curved edges, dimples, sharp teeth, slim red almond shaped eyes (sometimes green/silver in the dark), longish tongue, pale skin, broad/long shoulders, bony spider-like hands, painted nails, skinny toned(?) figure with slight thick thighs. Ivy is tall, standing at 6'2" and usually wearing booty shorts, a turtle neck with no sleeves, any kind of shoes, and sometimes stockings. When at work he wears a black priest robe, black shoes, and a beaded necklace with a broken cross.

    • Appearance at first sight/facade : Trust worthy, supportive, kind and extroverted, but slightly creepy.
    • Actual personality : Always smiling??? Manipulative, violent, cold and extremely creepy in a doll-like sense. Very sexual and intimate, doesn't really respect personal space. Extroverted, kind of flamboyant, can be annoying with a lot of pestering.

  • Past.

    • Ivy was born in a small town in Russia with his younger sister. His birth father died when Ivy was 8, so in such grief his mother became an alcoholic and remarried. Ivy's parents never acknowledged his existence ever since and when his mother did, it was through violent means. (Randomly throwing dishes at him, getting drunk and beating him while saying he should have never been born, etc.) Ivy starved to near death so he tried to learn how to cook for himself. (His parents never complained about it because they pretended he never existed.)
    • At 13, Ivy moved to Japan was fostered because his neighbors reported child neglect to the police. (His sister's whereabouts remain unkown.) At this point Ivy wasn't growing up to be a stable person and developed many a few mental illnesses due to being neglected, and his foster homes never thought to give him the proper treatment he needed. So as his mental state worsened, so did his personality. He became more and more violent and volatile, with extreme mood swings of furious and weeping. His foster families never knew what to do and always fought him, getting him kicked out of seven foster homes.
    • At 19 he graduated from school, was kicked out of his last foster home, and worked at Starbacks to support himself. Around this time, he also found an interest in studying Christianity. He found it fascinating that multiple people believed in one God who "created everything", so at 20 he bought a church with some money and lived there, as well as becoming a priest.

  • That's all that has happened in his life until now, where he brings in unsuspecting men, pretending to be a trustworthy priest, only to mutilate the them.
    ♡ https://www.f-list.net/c/ivy%20sokolov/ 
  • Ivy's favorite color is pink. 
  • Isn't afraid to call people worthless and tell them to kill themselves when he's not fully in his facade.