


“Si je crie aujourd'hui, c'est que j'suis né dans la violence.”– Stupeflip



Tommy is that recognizable little transvestite man with his red hair, pink earrings, heels, and unusual colored eyes. We can notice him from afar, with his pink clothes and his bad mood that he spreads everywhere. He's a guitarist in a band called MondayBats, he formed it with his best friend, Nathaniel.

Tommy turns out to be a very jealous and manipulative character. Hiding his game well, he tries to ruin the lives of those close to him.

At the end, he'll try to become a better person, realizing people actually loves him,,, he'll die before proving he can be a nice person.

  • AGE 19
  • BIRTHDAY 3 october
  • HEIGHT 1,60cm / 3'2
  • WEIGHT 63kg
  • SEX Male (transmasc)
  • RACE Human
  • ETHNICITY French
  • OCCUPATION Guitarist in MondayBats
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Paris - Saint-Louis Hospital
  • RESIDENCE Paris/France - 19e Villette
  • RELIGION none
  • ARCHETYPE Outlaw / Rebel
  • SEXUALITY Heterosexual
  • SOCIAL STANDING Middle/Lower class
  • STATUS Alive



Tommy has very big anger issues that flare up extremely quickly. He is so rude and aggressive that you have to calm him down a few times. He says everything that comes into his head, without any embarrassment, not caring about the gaze of others. He judges enormously and will not be ashamed to leave some criticisms and remarks on you. Tommy may be arrogant but can very well be polite as nice to his loved ones. If he doesn't know you, you risk drinking this cup of nastiness with him.

This guy hides his game very well. When he talks, you never really know if it's sarcasm or not. He can therefore pass a lot of things through this language, without ever really being in wrong.



Tommy has this difficult but possible life. He lived in the 13th arrondissement in Paris, in poorly maintained neighborhoods. He lived in an apartment with his parents and his sister. His sister left home at 18. She had found a job in the south of France and she had to leave at all costs, she could no longer bear the behavior of their parents. Tommy lived in a very strict family, he was never allowed anything, so he let off steam outside, during and after school, on his way home. Unfortunately, at the age of 16, he ran away from home following a big argument with his parents, on the fact that he did not deserve to exist. Tommy took refuge with one of his friends, Jackson, before experiencing a "traumatic" moment and fleeing again. This time, he was taken in by Onyl, a man that had, at least, 28 years old. He stayed at his home for 3 years before becoming very jealous of the relationship Onyl had with this certain Nathaniel. It was then, that one day, he was seen running away from Onyl's house, taking refuge towards Nathaniel, telling that Onyl had made him live horrible things and had tortured him. It was a lie.


Today, he lives in a house with Marcel, a friend of him he hosts and who pays his taxes. Nathaniel believed Tommy about that story with Onyl. Tommy still has this complicated but possible life, being an independent musician, he doesn't earn a lot of money with his band. Every day a new event: A relationship problem or not, he doesn't know if he will eat tonight, an argument etc... He also has a girlfriend, Bess, a great woman he adores. But following a few events, there are negative tensions between them. He is the lead guitarist of a band he formed with Nathaniel, his best friend, The MondayBats. Everyone close to him lives in big lies, Tommy being the "victim".


  • Tommy has pretty good standing posture, but he's very slouched sitting down. Sometimes he complains of back pain, but he deserves it, he spends most of his time slumped in a chair.

  • He generally has a correct and polite behavior in establishments such as restaurants, banks or town halls. But, in typical places, the street, bars, his friends' house, he is allowed everything and his behavior is very different from a correct one.

  • He talks a lot with his hands. Take for example the middle finger or any gesture of a violent or sexual nature. Tommy uses a lot of violent gestures.

  • Tommy can show exemplary behavior if he puts in the effort, but won't be shy about doing something wrong. Moreover, he will not hesitate to put his heels on the bed, the table or the seats of a car.


  • Tommy keeps on smoking, it's still not over, he really can't get rid of it. On the other hand, he still smokes but less than before. Now it's one or two cigarettes a day, no more. Sometimes three... Four, but that's on the occasions. Yes yes, he smokes joints, not often, but a lot. Every time he smokes it, he is in the vape only about thirty minutes later, and then, passes out. He really can't stand these substances, but "It's not going to kill him".

  • His lips are often dry, like really super dry, you have to give him lip balm. But, he won't use it. Besides, he also tears the skin off his lips, because of stress and all, but also for "fun", sometimes. That's why he bleeds often, slightly, from the lips.

  • Tommy loves doing his nails, he has lots of nail polish at home. But... He always ends up biting them...

  • Tommy eats a lot and sometimes can't stop. That's why Marcel's here to stop eating too much gross things and starting a diet. He has a big appetite. Please don't take him to a big restaurant... He'll eat everything.


  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Tommy speaks very quickly, sometimes it's hard to understand him and sometimes you have to ask him to repeat his sentence. However, he articulates well! He had to learn it with rap. He speaks with a very violent and colloquial language.

  • COMMON CONVERSATION STARTER: "Shut the fuck up."

  • SWEARS?: Tommy swears a lot, too much sometimes. He insults the Americans and the English a lot even if, on the other hand, he admires them.

  • CONVERSATION QUIRKS: As previously said, Tommy talks a lot with his hands, making a lot of rude and lewd gestures. Tommy has a big french accent when he normally talks in english, it's almost stupid. He doesn't avoid eye contact at all, sometimes people try to avoid eye contact with him because of his unusual eye colors and his confidence.


  • POSTURE: What's your character's posture like? Do they slouch? Are they upright?

  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: Tommy does smoke a lot and cannot get rid of it, he's addicted. Tommy tried drugs once and didn't liked it.

  • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES: List your character's physical illnesses/ disabilities or any other physical medical condition here here if any.

  • MENTAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES: List your character's mental illnesses/ disabilities or any other mental medical condition here here if any.


  • ABILITY: Describe your character's abilities here. Note that abilities are different from skills; abilities are more things that are natural/ innate, as opposed to skills which are learned or acquired.

  • ABILITY: Hi, it's coming soon

  • ABILITY: Hi, it's coming soon

  • ABILITY: Hi, it's coming soon


  • STRENGTH: Describe your character's strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Hi, it's coming soon

  • STRENGTH: Hi, it's coming soon

  • STRENGTH: Hi, it's coming soon


  • WEAKNESS: Describe your character's weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Hi, it's coming soon

  • WEAKNESS: Hi, it's coming soon

  • WEAKNESS: Hi, it's coming soon


  • SKILL: Describe your character's skills here.

  • SKILL: Hi, it's coming soon

  • SKILL: Hi, it's coming soon

  • SKILL: Hi, it's coming soon




  • Unknown

  • Unknown

  • Unknown

  • Unknown


  • Unknown

  • Unknown

  • Unknown

  • Unknown


  • FOOD: Unknown

  • DRINK: Unknown

  • COLOUR: Unknown

  • NUMBER: Unknown

  • SPORT: Unknown

  • ANIMAL: Unknown

  • HOLIDAY: Unknown

  • SEASON: Unknown

  • TIME OF DAY: Unknown

  • GENRE: Unknown


  • HOBBY: Describe your character's hobby here. What do they do to pass the time?

  • HOBBY: Hi, it's coming soon

  • HOBBY: Hi, it's coming soon


  • GOAL: Describe your character's goal here. Goals are a bit more different to dreams in the sense that goal would be a personal achievement they're working towards. It's more of a "near-end goal" as opposed to a dream in which it's more of a "far-off/ end-game" kind of goal.

  • GOAL: Hi, it's coming soon

  • GOAL: Hi, it's coming soon


  • DREAM: Describe your character's dream here. This isn't just what they hope to achieve, but it can be what they hope the world to be around them would be like. Goals are more personal; dreams are more about the world around the character.

  • DREAM: Hi, it's coming soon

  • DREAM: Hi, it's coming soon


  • FEAR: Describe your character's fear here.

  • FEAR: Hi, it's coming soon

  • FEAR: Hi, it's coming soon


  • SECRET: Describe your character's secret here.

  • SECRET: Hi, it's coming soon

  • SECRET: Hi, it's coming soon


  • Put whatever artist notes for your character here. These are notes you want artists to keep in mind when drawing your character.

  • Hi, it's coming soon

  • Hi, it's coming soon

  • Hi, it's coming soon


  • Put whatever design notes you have for your character here. This is somewhat different from artist notes in which these are just miscellaneous facts about certain aspects of your character's design.

  • Hi, it's coming soon

  • Hi, it's coming soon

  • Hi, it's coming soon


  • BODY BUILD: Describe your character's body build here. Are they lean? Muscular? Chubby?

  • BODY SHAPE: Describe your character's body shape here. Are they hourglass-shaped? Pear? Apple?

  • EYE SHAPE: Describe your character's eye shape here. Are they droopy? Almond?

  • HAIR LENGTH: Describe your character's hair length here. Is it long? Short? Where does it end?

  • HAIR STYLE: Describe your character's hair style here. Do they tie it up in a low/ high ponytail? Do they have sideswept bangs?

  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.

  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.

  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.







  • Put miscellaneous/ fun facts about your character here.

  • Hi, it's coming soon

  • Hi, it's coming soon

  • Hi, it's coming soon




Best friend

Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.



Close friend

Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.



Ex girlfriend

Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.



Ex friend

Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.

Code by Aurorean