
Creating With Destruction

Name Rex Starburst Sonicboom Supernova

Age Died at 35

Gender Male{he/him}

Creature Fruit-Vampiric Lookalike{Alien Shapeshifter}

Occupation Mercenary/Space Outlaw

Alignment Chaotic Neutral/Evil


Rex Starburst Sonicboom Supernova was trained from an early age to be a war machine. Trained in the most efficient forms of combat his home planet had to offer, even his natural combat magic enhanced magically to the point that he could level an entire building unarmed simply by hitting it at its weak spot. Despite his training and the attempts made to keep his focus and his interests firmly in the realm of war and conquest, Rex was more interested in performing stunts, collecting stickers, and reading about earth dinosaurs- often disregarding his combat classes in order to focus more on his own interests. Despite his carefree attitude and his volatile abilities, Rex was kindhearted and enthusiastic- if a little lonely and very naive, he followed the guidelines the Urania Republic set in place with little second thought- and, with that, they sent him on his first mission.

Rex had every intention of fulfilling his assigned duties up until the moment he actually glanced over what they entailed. They wanted him to destroy a planet-sized floating colony- a colony populated by civilians who had fled Urania. He was certainly capable- the thought of doing something so incredible sparked a fire in him- but that fire dampened as soon as he realized how catastrophic the loss of life such an event would bring with it. With firm resolve, Rex refused to perform the mission- and furthermore to do any work for people who would request that kind of action. His eyes flashed as he declared himself no longer a member of the Uranian fleet, seeing a future of rebellion and heroism-

And instead, everything but his communicator went dark. His superiors, having remote control of the ship he’d been assigned, had cut all the power and jettisoned his food- they very calmly suggested he rescind his resignation within the ten minutes of oxygen he had before he died. He refused, and with that, Rex was alone. He tried to signal any other ship close to him, did whatever he could so he’d at least be found, but nobody came. He took his last breath and closed his eyes- and opened them, still breathless. He’d been infected at some point in his training with vampirism- and now, thanks to his death, it had activated. He was overjoyed at first- until he realized he was still stranded, with no way to leave the ship and no food whatsoever. 

He drifted for what seemed like an eternity, barely able to move, feeding off his own dwindling life energy to keep himself alive, slipping in and out of consciousness before finally closing his eyes for the last time in that ship.

He woke up god knows how much later, lying weakened in a bed that wasn’t his with an iv of fruit juice, of all things, attached to his arm. He was soon joined by a friendly Scraphound named Comet, who explained what had happened- He’d found the ship and, presuming it abandoned, had taken it in to scrap and reuse it when he’d found what looked like a corpse but had something that had almost felt like a pulse and, following a near-death experience on Comet’s part via an attempted feeding on Rex’s, had worked out what to do from there. Rex, more than shaken from the experience but unwilling to leave his life on pause, requested help repairing his ship and rewiring his armor to look and behave more to his tastes. He slowly recovered physically with Comet’s help, scratching the Uranian insignia from his control gloves and replacing them with stickers he’d found around the base- a habit he still has today. 

Rex has a rotation of jobs and hobbies- he helps Comet find scrap as recompense for saving his life, has a collection of toy dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes, and has more recently picked up smuggling, thefts, and mercenary work to bring in bigger credits- since he’s always on the hunt for something new and glittery to wear even while in the middle of a life-or-death battle. The Uranian Republic has branded him vile and dangerous, a wicked and corrupt soul with no morals to speak of, and though this isn’t true, Rex still proudly identifies as a villain- his criminal work more than shows for it, and trying to be any kind of hero got him killed, after all. 

That isn’t to say he’s not happy, or that he renounces friendship!

Everybody loves a good bad guy, after all.


-Fruit Bat Vampire- Extremely lethargic and inactive in direct sunlight, can control plants with charmspeak, sustained in immortality by nectar and fruit juice 

-Mass Destruction- By finding a target’s weak spot and landing a hit to it, Rex can destroy an object completely- be it sending a building falling, sending an enemy into a shower of atoms and gray matter, or dismantling said armor in one hit. This ability requires a great deal of energy, however, and it’s not good for combat outside of flat-out termination of the target- it’s also so powerful he requires armored bracers to magically keep it in check. 

-Shapechange- Rex can morph into any species he's seen- though he can't mimic people specifically, if he's seen a creature he can pose as one of them. He retains the closest to his color scheme that that particular species can get.

-Undeath Manifestation- Rex was killed by the void of space- and in his afterlife, his vampirism has given him the power to control it to some extent. Rex can summon a pocket of void- no atmosphere or air. This pocket pulls targets nearby into it and can suffocate them if given prolonged exposure- with some effort he can even concentrate the area of effect to one object or target. 

-Rule of Cool- Rex has learned new forms of magic over the years- and while most have gone volatile in destructive ways thanks to his Mass Destruction ability, Spectacle magic- specifically the art of Presentation- is intangible and thus, perfect to go over-the top with. He summons action words and glowing bursts when he fights, brings his own ambient soundtrack with him, and can even summon speech and thought bubbles in the right circumstances- all of which have a very “advertisement for an RC dinosaur aimed at young boys” energy to them but with considerably more sparkles, which Rex adores.


-Voiceclaim: Matt Mercer {McCree

-Totally took up a southern drawl during his transition and now he’s stuck with it. He can’t stop it now, that’s how he actually sounds. He uses countryisms and nobody knows where he learned them from. He's a space cowboy and there's no going back

-Rex is currently searching for a way to breed/raise Earth dinosaurs without disrupting the time stream. It’s not going very well. 

-Changes his last name every time he thinks of a cooler one- keeps all his other last names, though.

-Rex wears reading glasses- he doesn’t use them when not needed because he worries they’ll break during combat. 

-His favorite food is salt and vinegar chips because, and I quote, “anything ballsy enough to hurt you while you’re eating it deserves to be a favorite.” His favorite fruit is pineapple, for similar reasons. 

-Knows so much about paleontology. On any planet- he can infodump for hours about the archaeological findings of any planet he’s been to, and natural history is his most common hyperfixation. He did name himself after a T.Rex, yes. 

-Has ADD! Has a good few chew necklaces hidden in his coat pockets- as well as chewing to stim, he also verbally stims(most often by creating his own sound effects) and wags his tail when happy. 

-Dying on the ship left Rex with PTSD, and his training also left some scars- Being referred to with military language and being isolated or alone for too long are triggers to him.

"Stand back- I'm about to do something awesome."

HTML by lowkeywicked