Angie Williams



9 years, 1 month ago


Angelica Luanne Williams

Nickname          Angie/Peaches
Gender  Female
Occupation/Dream Navy Pilot
Voice Claim❝TBA❞
Worth  $369.50

Angelica is initially polite but slightly stand-offish to everyone she meets. It doesn’t take her long to figure out how she wants to treat someone. Usually, she sticks to the cold but can’t really call her out on it because of her civil attitude. She doesn’t overstep unless asked... In fact, she doesn’t offer her opinion on anything if she can help it. Angie doesn’t like to make connections unless she has to. But there’s also a chance she’ll switch to her other two defaults: Hostile and problematic or kind and extremely loyal. The former happens far more than the latter. Angie doesn’t hold back on her bad language, points out the faults of the people who piss her off, and barely entertains the idea of letting go of grudges. When she likes someone (an extreme rarity), however, Angie goes above and beyond to make sure they feel comfortable around her. She can joke around, loves buying them gifts for special occasions, and is pretty much willing to drop almost anything if they need help.

If there’s one thing that Angie has going for her, it’s that she has an amazing social intelligence. She has a knack for picking up even the smallest change in expressions. The only problem is she picks and chooses who to help out when she sees someone struggling. Most of the time, though, she’s a firm believer in ‘not my circus, not my monkey.’

That’s how she is with other people. When it comes to herself, Angie is surprisingly willing to throw herself into a number of idiotic situations that could have been avoided if she had just had patience. 

A Life In a Nutshell

Angelica doesn’t really see the point in ever sharing her childhood history with someone, but here she goes. She grew up in Georgia, living with her single mother on her grandpa’s farm in a small town. Angie feels like she has the boring textbook ‘sad childhood’: emotionally neglected by the adults in her life, she’s learned the hard way that it’s easier to just take care of herself instead of relying on anyone else. But she doesn’t let it hold her back, no no. She’s totally fine.

Her parents got pregnant while they were still in high school and split before she was born. Her dad went back to live with his family in New York, while her mother became more and more bitter as Angie grew older. Angie did her best to stay out of the way as much as possible. After all, her mom couldn’t be mad at her if she forgot she existed, right? 

The only real fun Angie had while growing up was imagining how it would feel to pilot a jet. On a school field trip to an airshow, Angie fell in love with the loud machines that flew overhead. While she rarely ever showed an interest in anything, she suddenly wanted to watch any movie that involved jets. One in particular stood out, and since then, her lifelong dream has been to join the Naval Air Force as a fighter pilot, and even more than that, the "Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor" program - AKA: TopGun. 

After an incident during high school, Angie decided to move in with her estranged dad in New York. This just happened to be the same year of the failed Krang invasion. She managed to hide during the whole thing, but it definitely opened her eyes to a world that had been hidden for centuries. It’s been four years since then, and Angie is currently in the naval academy (fictional one in New York, cuz why not).  Depending on the roleplay, she could still be a high school student or already graduated from the academy and is a full-fledged fighter pilot. 


[ Son ]



Maverick James Hamato - Or just 'Mav' for short. Angie's (future) son and her entire world. Currently five years old. Bit of a crybaby, especially if you make fun of him not having a shell. He’s a little on the shy side, sweet, and well mannered. He wants to go flying with his mom one day.

[ Cousin ]



Kristina Williams- Angie's best friend in New York. Mostly because Kris just feels bad for her cousin. Unlike Angie, she was born with confidences to spare. Also unlike Angie, she's extremely crude and shameless.

[ In-Laws(?) ]


Hamato Family

Depends entirely on the roleplay/future fic. But sometimes Angie ends up in love, happy, and wanted in a family she's always dreamed of.

code by 00Ishikawa00