*Candy Cane



7 years, 1 month ago


  • Candy Cane

  • age 7 years
  • gender Female
  • breed Dog crossbreed
  • role Friend to those who need one

Friendly • Sweet • Attentive


Candy Cane is a teal dog with pink highlights.

She's 3' at the shoulder, with a well proportioned head. Her neck and back are dotted with light green and red colours. These markings span to the tip of her tail. She has pink circles on her cheeks, making her look like she's always blushing. She is always wearing a jumper, though the design can vary. She is most partial to her heart jumper, It is up to the artist what jumper she wears.


Candy Cane is incredibly friendly and sweet, much like her namesake. She has got a reputation of being a therapy dog, and acts as a friend to anyone who requires one. She has no owner, instead living at a sanctuary for therapy dogs.

 "I'll always be here when you need me. No matter the time of day." 

height 3'

build Chunky

pronouns She/Her

s.o. None

dob 7th October

sign Libra

origin UK

occupation Therapy Dog

mbti ENFP

demeanor Friendly

tarot The Sun

element Water

obtained Sale

value £30


  • Sweet stuff
  • Attention
  • Her job
  • Her friends


  • Salt
  • People who hurt others
  • Leaving others when they're upset
  • Evil people

Growing up

Candy Cane was the sole pup born in a puppy mill litter. Her parentns were loving, and took excellent care of her, shielding her from the violence of the puppy mill owner as much as possible. But it wouldn't last. She was taken from her parents at a young age, and was sold to a human couple with a kid. She was a happy go lucky pup with a lot of energy, making her the ideal pet for an active family. Her family took her everywhere, teaching her tricks, and training her to be kind and patient. She loved her family, but always found herself wishing for more from life. She felt selfish, perhaps, when her life was always so perfect. But something in her was discontented, and she wanted that to change.

Tragedy and the next step

Her wish came true in the worst of ways. The female human grew sick, and one day, she went to the hospital and didn't come back. Candy Cane didn't understand, but suddenly, her remaining humans were sad. She was sad too, of course, missing the female human. But she had never experienced death, and no one taught her about it/ She very quickly felt a need to protect the happiness of her owners, and would go to them every time they cried or seemed upset. It seemed to help for a while, and her humans seememd to be better. But it sadly changed when the male human also got sick. Candy Cane was pricked with something that made her sleep, and woke to find herself in a car with a strange human. She was afraid, and she understood that if she allowed this car to take her, she'd never come back to her original humans. So she leapt from the car and ran. She ran, until she was exhausted. She had travelled further than she expected in the time it had taken her to wake up. She wandered the streets, lost and confused. There, a dog found her, big and muscular compared to her. Candy Cane passed out, and this strange dog carried her away.

And now?

Candy Cane found herself at a sanctuary where humans lived. She was fed and watered, and the humans cooed over her. They gave her her jumper, and took care of her. She came to understand her job here to be a therapy dog. Much like she did for her original owners, she cared for scared, distressed, or just sad humans. And she loves this job. She has made many animal friends, as well as some humans who care immensely for her. This job of hers means that she's always getting attention. Of course, she remembers her old humans, but she understands that this is where she's needed.



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