


3 years, 7 months ago


Baywish- a stunning creature, Baywish also... takes after his mother. Bay is a small tom, not big nor burly- much like his father. He does, however, have unusually long legs. Must be from Timberfrost. He has thick, medium-length fur that is white as the base. Along his back, shoulders, and face are an ashy gray. He has a dark, syrupy brown face mask, ears, and tail. He has the same color on his front paws and on his hind right foot. Layering that color is a paler shade of brown and then fading into other shades of gray. Also on the base of his tail is the secondary brown color. There are white flecks through the darker brown parts of his pelt. He has big, incredible, soulful sage green eyes. Baywish is very close to his sister, Marigoldhare, and the two of them are often seen together. He is still in good contact with his father, even though Timberfrost is in a different clan. He has a great deal of respect for the tom and loves him deeply. Baywish enjoys interacting with his cousins in Cloudclan and is quite close to Milkflower's kits. || Son of Zinnialea and Timberfrost of Cloudclan. Brother to Marigoldhare. Born from the Breeding Bonds. || Bisexual- tom leaning. He does like feminine toms and gentle she-cats. Tough and rowdy isn't the way to his heart. || Starkissed- Gift is Communication- the ability to communicate with all life around him. Even humans. || Star birthmark- microscopic freckles dotted through the black parts of his pelt. ||