Melren 🌟



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Melren Sparrow



Age & birthdate

27, March 17th

Height & weight

5'7, 158 lbs

Gender & sexuality

Genderfluid, Pansexual


He/They/She (Primarily he)




Rapier & Dagger


Dulcimer, Lyre & Pan flute


College of Lore


Dancing lights, Thaumaturgy, Vicious mockery

Spells (1)

Bane, Charm person, Detect magic, Heroism


Common and Infernal


Chaotic Neutral

Team/Party (consistent)

Saida, Amirus, Havric, Clay, & Ferlyn.


☆ Story ☆

Melren's life started out slowly, At only eleven months old, He was left on the door step of an old church in a town named Garren's pass. He was found and taken in by a human paladin named Caldwin Sparrow, From the moment he entered his new home, He felt loved and wanted. He had a mother, A father, A sister and two brothers. Though, As Melren grew, He noticed the other kids around him treated him differently. Garren's pass was populated by Dwarves and Humans, The occasional elf, Dragonborn and Tiefling came by, But soon left as they were treated with hostility from the townsfolk.

When Melren turned twelve, His grandfather passed, And his Inn was left in Caldwin's name. It took no time for Melren's father to model the Inn into something the townsfolk loved and cherished, Soon adventurers, Travelers and merchant's began stopping by and telling their stories, And faced no judgement for their race. Melren spent most of his time in Caldwin's Inn, He liked listening to the stories, But preferred to sit and listen to the music that Jetta Bennett played, She was a marvelous Half-elf bard. Melren admired her for years, When he turned sixteen, She offered him lessons; And he got his first instrument, an ebony lyre.

Fast foward a couple of years, Melren's twenty seven years old. He played his own music at Caldwin's Inn and socialized with the townfolk who looked up to him as a valid member in their town and community. During this time, Melren's mother became ill. Caldwin decided to take a break from working at the Inn, To take care of his wife, Leaving Melren in charge. That's the day, An unusual yet whimsical group of adventurer's stopped by. Melren was amazed as his eyes set on a woman with captivating red hair. As she moved forward, Standing infront of Melren's makeshift stage, Her emerald eyes looked up at him as she spoke. "Are you Caldwin Sparrow?"

☆ Strengths ☆

Charisma: ♦♦♦♦♢
Strength: ♦♦♢♢♢
Perception: ♦♦♦♢♢
Intelligence: ♦♢♢♢♢
Constitution: ♦♦♢♢♢
Dexterity: ♦♦♦♢♢

☆ Extra Info ☆

• After Melren's main story arc, He leaves Garren's pass and begin's to travel with the whimsical adventurer's he met at Caldwin's Inn.

• Melren abuses alcohol severely, He uses it as an unhealthy coping mechanism for his anxiety and fear of betrayal.

• Unlike most tieflings, Melren doesn't have pointed teeth; He also has a singular golden tooth, No one knows the story behind it. (its a fashion statement)

☆ Personality ☆

Melren is a fairly agreeable person, He naturally goes with the flow, Once hes given a task hes determined to finish it properly. Most of the townsfolk in Garren's pass would describe him as Confident, Charming and adaptable; Then again, Most people would also describe him as outspoken, Irritable and obnoxious. All in all, Melren tends to be a capable man.

 - Relationships -

Party members (consistent); Saida Nexxis, Amirus Bazur, Havric, Clay Valern, and Ferlyn A'dyr

Party members (inconsistent); Ping, Kuleg Maruall, Ferlyn, and Smith Reonas.

Romantic interest(s); Saida Nexxis, Amirus Bazur

Family; Caldwin Sparrow, Amelia Sparrow, Ava Rhoslyn, Alistair Sparrow and Keaton Sparrow.

(if u compare him to hellbent its said his creator will cry for 20 whole minutes)

🎙️ voice hc:
