Savil (I-prmopts)



White Feathers

Top . I01 . I02 . I03 . I04 . I05 . I06 . I07 . I08 . I09 . I10 . I11 . I12 . I13 . I14 . I15 . I16 . I17 . I18 . I19 . I20
I21 . I22 . I23 . I24 . I25 . I26 . I27 . I28 . I29 . I30

Bronze Feathers

White Feathers - 150 words/flat fullbody drawing
I01. Write out this character's personality 159/150

  Everyone knows Savil. Very few have met him personally, but everyone has heard his Savil. Savil is the best fighter in all the lands surrounding the Island of Dreams. He's most renowned for his victory against the great hero Kanavu.

  This might give you an idea that Savil is aggressive and bloodthirsty, but it couldn't be further away from the truth. He's in fact one of the calmest lions you'll ever meet. In the downtime from training, Savil likes to lie by the side of a river and read literature, most often of the romantic kind. Animals that live in the area aren't scared of him - he actually made friends with quite a few of them and they come by to listen to him play the violin.

  Savil is a middle child and the wisest of the brothers. Sazha and Skye are smart, but they use their intellect to cause chaos and destruction while Savil esures order and creation.

I02. Write 3 positive traits about this individual, and 3 negative ones [ Listed traits ]

  + friendly, courageous, mature
  - obsessive, violent, cocky

I03. Write this character's backstory, how they came to join the territory (or if they were born into it) how their childhood made them who they are 166/150

  When Savil was young he was fascinated by stories and legends of mighty heroes that fought in great battles of the past. He decided to become the most amazing fighter, just like them. It didn't end up just a child's wish. He spent many weeks observing and researching other lions then devised a plan that would help him become the very best. He spent the majority of his days training and competing with others until his goal became true - there was no fighter better than him. His Savil became famous and his fight against Kanavu brough hundreds of spectators.

  Savil was inspired by his family. Sazha is a renowned musician loved by hundreds. Skye is an infamous troublemaking cub. Though his father isn't famous, he is the best flyer he has ever seen. If there ever was a competition, he would most certainly win it. Savil couldn't live in their shadows. He is now better known than any of them, skilled and enjoying what he does.

I04. Explain this character's role in their group or home. How do they contribute (or not contribute?) 0/150


I05. What is this character's biggest dream/goal? 0/150


I06. What is this character's biggest fear or nightmare? 0/150


I07. What does this character's Savil mean/where did it come from? 0/150


I08. Draw this character in their youth/as a cub/kitten [ flat fullbody drawing ]


I09. What does this character view as their greatest enemy, whether internally or externally? 0/150


I10. Create a moodboard for this character [ Moodboard ]


I11. Create a signature themed around this character [ Screenshot signature ]


I12. Draw a sketchpage of your character (at least 3 fullbody sketches) [ at least 3 fullbody sketches sketchpage ]


I13. How does this character handle disrespect or insults? 0/150


I14. What is this character's greatest strength? 0/150


I15. What is this character's greatest weakness? 0/150


I16. What is this character's greatest regret, what mistake haunts them? 0/150


I17. How does this character respond to being wrong? 0/150


I18. Is this character a leader or a follower? 0/150


I19. What is this character proud of? 0/150


I20. What does this character view as their own most valuable trait? 0/150


I21. What does this character value most in others? 0/150


I22. Who does/did this character admire most? 0/150


I23. Is this character religious/superstitious, do they believe in fantasy or aliens? Or are they based harshly in reality? 0/150


I24. Is this character organized or sloppy? Are there exceptions when they may be the other for certain things? 0/150


I25. What is this character's biggest secret? 0/150


I26. How does this character cope with sadness? 0/150


I27. How does this character cope with anger? 0/150


I28. How intelligent is this character? 0/150


I29. What is this character's views on change? 0/150


I30. How does this character express themselves? 0/150


Bronze Feathers - 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum)
I(b)01. What is this character's opinion/experience with love? (Either romantic, familial, or platonic) 0/700


I(b)02. How has this character changed since they were young? 0/700


I(b)03. What is this character's most important relationship in their life? [can be familial, romantic, platonic, ect) 0/700


I(b)04. Create a timeline of this characters life, including at least 4 events and 100 words for each event. 1 timeline

  • Childhood

      Savil grew up with his two brothers and their father. They all have their own passions and their father inspires them to be the best at what they do. The reason is so that people will like and admire them, but also so they can live their lives to the fullest, doing something they love and doing it well. They were left to their devices and to take care of their youngest sibling when Sazha was two years old. For Savil that's strife. He started training and competing with other lions as soon as he reached adolescence and became one of the best fighters in the land. His techniques and witty commentary brought him many fans.

  • Victory

      Savil and Kanavu were renowned as the best fighters in the lands around the Island of Dreams. It was only a matter of time before they had to spar with each other to determine the ultimate champion. Their paths have never crossed before the faithful day, but they have heard of each other and knew to respect their opponent. They did not fight to the death, it was only a friendly competition, but the stakes were still high - only one of them would be the winner. The other one would have to walk away a loser. Savil lost only one of three rounds of combat and came out victorious. It was the day that brought him fame. His Savil was known by everyone and it struck fear into their hearts.

  • New Home

      Savil did not become arch enemies with Kanavu, as many might have expected. They respected each other's skills and felt a thread of understanding, the kind only two mighty fighters were able to share. Kanavu invited Savil to join his island and make it his new home. Savil took a long time to move, only accepting the invitation after his older brother Sazha asked him for help. Sazha has been exiled from a pride he created along with their younger brother Skye. He wanted to take it back and challenge like that was something that Savil could have some fun with.

  • Voices

      The sole reason Savil made his new home on the Island of Dreams was to help Sazha take back his old pride. They devised a sneaky plan in which they were to launch a full on attack if Szikra was announced a new king. During her KORONACJA Szikra discovered that Nyuki was a spy and asked Savil to kill him. The voices in Savil's head, dormant for so long, began to speak again. Kill. Blood. Death. Savil was used to them and coped with them pretty well, but this time... why not listen? Knowing that Skye would not forgive him killing Nyuki, Savil only injured him enough that Szikra would not suspect him of being on Sazha's side. He meant well and thought this the best course of action as to not reveal their plan, but hotheaded Skye would not listen to his explanations and since then has considered Savil his enemy.

I(b)05. What causes this character anxiety, and how do they cope with it? 0/700


I(b)06. How did this character earn their role in their group? Has it always been their designated place? 0/700


I(b)07. Elaborate about a time this character learned a harsh lesson, or suffered an extreme turning point in their life. 0/700


I(b)08. Write about this character's views on parenthood. What do they think the role of a parent is? do they want to be a parent someday? Do they have a good parental relationship themselves? 0/700


I(b)09. Someone deals a great harm to this character, when confronted, they claim it was an accident. Does your character believe them? How do they respond? 0/700


I(b)10. Write about this character's morality system. What do they see as good, and what do they see as wrong? What is most important at both ends of this spectrum to them? 0/700