


3 years, 6 months ago



"And if you need a little sunshine, You can borrow some of mine"

  • name > Frostheart
        prefix meaning > Frost, for their white fur
        suffix meaning > Heart, for their kind nature
        previous names > Frostkit, Frostpaw
    nicknames > Frost, Frosty

    clan > Marshclan
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    mentor > Cicadashell
    apprentices >
        current > xxx
        previous > Apricotswan, Doverain

  • age > 57+ moons
    gender > Genderfluid (He/She/They)
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Demiromantic, Pansexual

44425671_VqKg9CxWOf7eErE.pngbasic description > Frostheart is a slightly stocky and lean cat with medium length fur and yellow eyes.
build > Slightly stocky, lean
fur description > Medium length, soft, silky
breeds > Moggy
height > 28 cm
weight > 7.6 lbs

voice > Lachlan Watson
scent > A light scent of pine

scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> Curious > Frost is a curious cat, they like to learn everything and anything they can. From the clan’s history to why that little wiggly bug turned into such a pretty thing with wings. He is always eager to learn things, like Marshclan’s sign language and the best ways to hunt prey.
    >> Kind > Frostheart has a kind nature about her. If someone they know is not having the best day, they will be by their side, even if it is just so the other cat isn’t alone. He always makes sure to show everyone kindness, “a bit of kindness can go a long way ya know!”
    >> Insightful > Frost has the tendency to read between the lines, they can see other options for solutions that others may not. He watches the actions and the way cats speak to see what they truly mean by the things they do and say.

neutral >
    >> High-spirited > Frostheart is lively, always having a hop in their step and being cheerful. While it is good to be cheerful, sometimes it can be a little too much, and can cause them to push sadder feelings to the side occasionally. Frostheart tends to be very “bouncy”, especially when excited or happy as well.
    >> Empathetic > He is highly aware of the emotions of others around him, which can lead to him feeling the other cat’s emotions themselves. They can occasionally get caught up in the emotions of others, but they usually bounce right back.
    >> Easy-going > Frostheart is a relaxed cat, they don’t have much of a plan and really just go with the flow. He is tolerant when it comes to everything, and lives life without concern and worry most times.

negative >
    >> Withdrawn > Frostheart can have bouts of withdrawn behavior. They will not want to talk sometimes or be around other cats. They just need some quiet time to deal with whatever they are going through.
    >> Stubborn > Once Frostheart has made his mind up about something, that is final. It is hard to change their mind afterward and will need a lot of convincing to even get them to start thinking about changing his mind or opinion.
    >> Mischievous > Trouble might as well be his name. They absolutely love causing some harmless trouble! Playing pranks on clanmates or spreading rumors to see how far it will go. This can lead to Frost getting into trouble often than not, and usually has them sent off to apologize and set things right if things went too far.


 parents >
    >> Hackberrytail > A stocky black tom-cat with yellow eyes
    >> Dappletalon > A lean calico she-cat with blue eyes

siblings >
    >> n/a >

mate >
    >> name > short description

kits >
    >> Cloverpaw > A ginger and white cat, with dark green eyes (missing)

    >> Hackberrytoe > A black and white cat, with light green eyes

extended >
    >> xxx >

mate > xxx
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests >
    looking for > fling / long term

likes in a potential mate >
    > playful 

dislikes in a potential mate >
    overly strict 
    close minded 

interested in kits > yes
preferred family size > big



Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Frostkit was the only kit born to their parents, Hackberrytail and Dappletalon. This led them to have a lot of attention from their parents, which was amazing for the little kit. They were a happy kit for the most part, always playing with others and wanting to see what was outside the nursery.They could never get past their mom though. One day, their mother, Dappletalon, started to cough and went to the medicine den, sadly she was diagnosed with greencough and succumbed to the sickness.

Frostkit didn’t fully understand what happened, but when it was explained to them, they became distant from their friends, not wanting to play and not talking as much with their father. After some time, they did start to come around after a moon, and were back to their bouncy self.
At this time they were coming closer to the day they would be made an apprentice. They couldn’t stop talking about it to their father. They had also started to realize that they were genderfluid. They went to their father and told him about their gender identity, Hackberrytail was proud of their kit and made sure to tell them just how much he loved them and always would.

As time went on, they watched their father go on many patrols, sometimes he would come back with magnificent stories about what he would see and Frostkit would eagerly listen. It was just any other day, Frost was waiting for her father to return. He wondered what Hackberrytail would tell him about? But the time never came where her father returned. Hackberrytail had been on patrol when he lost his footing on a riverbank and had been swept off down the river. When the news reached Frostkit they were upset, how could some cat as good at swimming as their dad be swept away?
They were quiet for some time, but she figured her father would want him to be happy and not sad all the time so he bounced back from the loss with a new outlook on life. She would live her life to the fullest, and tell her parents all about it when she went to Starclan.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    The day came when Frostkit became Frostpaw, he was thrilled. He was given Cicadashell as his mentor. They tried their absolute best to make their mentor proud, as well as their clan. Of course they were a very curious apprentice and asked many questions about everything and anything.
For the most part their apprenticeship was relatively quiet, leaf-bare wasn’t as bad as they had heard it was in other years, until two kits had wandered out of camp. He had heard the commotion when his clanmates had brought them back and saw the poor kit with one less leg than they had left with. It was startling for Frostpaw, and a little worrying.. What if the thing had gotten to the camp?

Frostpaw was a little more vigilant when out on patrols for a few moons after the incident, making sure there were no more signs of the badger.

After things had calmed down slightly, Frostpaw threw themselves into training, determined to be at their best and wanting the day they became a warrior to come quicker, and with their mind so focused, they days did go by quicker.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >
    Soon enough, the day came where Frostpaw was no longer an apprentice. Frostpaw was given the name Frostheart, for their kind nature. They couldn’t wait to begin.
Not long after they were made a warrior, disaster struck. Cats in Marshclan were dropping like flies from greencough, Frostheart was thrown back in time to when he was a kit, his mother had contracted the same sickness and didn’t make it. Frost wasn’t her usual high spirited self during that time, she was more withdrawn, mourning the loss of her clanmates and worrying for anyone who went into the medicine den.
After things had started to die down in Marshclan, he became more relaxed, hoping the worst of the horrible sickness had passed. It was soon after that, that Sandstar went missing, lost in the tunnels. The clan had been through so much already, and losing their clan leader like this was worrying.

Weeks went by and there was still hardly a trace of the leader, but then one fateful day they had found him, bringing him home, where he could heal. As time went off, there was an odd feeling within the clan, Frost couldn’t put her paw on what it was, but she tried to continue her days as usual despite it.

Until Sandstar called a clan meeting. She had been at the back of the crowd when the leader revealed that Softsnap had been the one that caused the tunnel to collapse and left him for dead. It shook the warrior to his core, how could someone’s own littermate do this? To try and kill their family…
As the thoughts no sooner left their mind, the meeting erupted into chaos, the two cats at the center were fighting, and as Frostheart continued to watch, horror filling her eyes, the leader had killed Softsnap. She left shortly after that, needing to get some air that wasn’t filled with the scent of what had transpired.
There were so many unsettling things, news had travelled quickly, “other traitors are in marshclan” was buzzing through the camp. Frostheart, among many others were wary, but these were cats they had grown up with.. How could they be traitors?

When the next time Sandstar called a meeting, she attended but closer to the entrance out of fear of what would happen, was someone else going to die? If things started to turn that way again, they were not going to stick around to watch more blood be shed. However, the meeting turned to outcry as their leader declared that they had to ‘rid the clan of the traitors’.

Frostheart watched on as the leader blamed another warrior of being a traitor with no proof. Outcries from many of his clanmates were heard, but he stayed silent, shocked into being speechless. How could their leader accuse Turtlecloud with no proof? Could he see this would only cause more issues within the clan?

After that meeting, while others split off to talk about what transpired she went off to hunt, the gravity of these meetings was stressful, and the young warrior needed to clear her mind for awhile.

During the weeks that passed after all of the events had happened, Frostheart found herself thinking about family and kits almost every moment of every day. They always wanted their own kits, they could see it now, surrounded by their loved ones as they grow old…
Soon enough she made up her mind, she would start her own family! Sure, being a single parent might be hard, but there was no way he would let that stop him! It wasn’t long before she was expecting, having used a donor, she was ready to start this journey! He was so excited to be bringing in new life to Marshclan, and even more excited to meet his kits.

Things remained tense within Marshclan, but Frostheart couldn’t be happier, taking her leave and awaiting the day her kits would be born in the nursery alongside the other queens and their kits.

Due to her pregnancy she remained in camp the day of the gathering, not wanting to make the trek to the bridge. When the sky darkened and a storm appeared to roll in, he got worried. And when Marshclan returned home, bringing news of the fire and the events that took place at the gathering, they were glad they didn’t go, and absolutely horrified of the news of the spies in all of the clans and the fireproof cat who appeared from the flames.

After the shock had calmed a bit, as well as clan life calming slightly, it was the day he had been waiting for, his kits had arrived, both safe and healthy. Frostheart could feel her heart fill with love for the two little kits. She could barely contain her purrs.
And when she had learned the news of Marshclan opening its borders again, she was relieved, maybe things were going back to normal, maybe their kits would get to grow up in the marshclan she remembered, one that wasn’t filled with murderers, spies and evil cats from dark places.

Frostheart had been laying inside the nursery while her kits played, watching them tussle and pounce on each other. He couldn’t believe how perfect they were. She turned her head away when an announcement was made, Blizzardfang was gone.
Relief. She couldn’t explain how much the news eased her mind, and a new hope bridge was built? Things would finally be okay, their kits would be safe and grow up in a clan that would be safer.

Leaf-fall had begun, his kits were growing, strong and healthy, and fast. Soon they would be apprentices, he didn’t know how he felt about that though, weren’t they just born a moon ago? He was snapped out of his thinking when he heard news start spreading around camp.
The crystal falls had been attacked, some medicine cats had been killed, or went missing...And the deputy’s mate, in trying to protect those at the meeting, had also been murdered. He expressed his condolences when he saw Seaheart, this was a sad day in Marshclan.

A bobcat had been found on the territory, it made them want to keep their kits closer. Would it get into camp? Maybe it would leave by itself… That was not the case though. They had tried once to get rid of the big feline, but failed, tunnels collapsed and cats were injured. Sandstar had gotten cats together a second time, both from Marshclan and Cloudclan, and they chased the bobcat away, this time, for good. Her clanmates came back, injured but triumphant
And then, Sandstar fell. He had made it back to camp, his home, and lost his second life. Frostheart watched in dismay from the nursery, she had never been close with the leader, and after everything that had happened, she was wary of him and didn’t trust him as much. But things had been getting better, Frostheart started to see the leader that gave them their warrior name again. They grieved with their clanmates, and in the coming days, celebrated their new leader, Seastar, and her deputy Roachheart.

It wasn’t long after the previous leader had died, that Hackberrykit and Cloverkit were made apprentices. Frostheart had also started to notice the distance growing between his two kits… A little worry filled his body, they weren’t going to lose Hackberrypaw were they?

Soon, leaf bare had beared its teeth, bringing a nasty blizzard across the clans, somehow a kit had gotten out of the nursery and got lost in the snow, and unbeknownst to Frostheart, her daughter Cloverpaw had went in search for the kit. When news broke out that the kit had perished, and that Cloverpaw had been lost in the blizzard, Frostheart’s heart stopped. He was wailing before he even realized. His daughter was gone, why? Starclan was supposed to protect them. They mourned with Hackberrypaw, all while they questioned the great cats above. If they were so great, and cared about all the clans… Why were all of these horrible things happening? Why would they let a kit and a new apprentice be lost like this?

It was not long after the loss of the kit, and their daughter going missing, that yet another cat went missing in a blizzard. Frostheart was saddened by the news when that patrol came back, they felt for Seastar, the feelings all too fresh from their own kits disappearance. When would this leaf-bare end?

Around this time, Frostheart started to have dreams. They were in a place they didn’t know, surrounded by unfamiliar sights and sounds, but there were… figures? No matter how hard she strained to see them or even get nearer to them, it seemed as if they were only getting further and further away. He thought about visiting the medicine den… maybe it was from losing Clover? Could they even help with this?

One day, a kit had fallen through the ice, leaving the whole clan in a panic, but their leader, Seastar, had jumped in after the kit, saving them. However, she lost her own life, the crystal falls having been in ruins, the leader never received a second life.

This left their deputy, Roachheart, now as Roachstar. Frostheart felt for the new leader, they were thrown into the middle of a harsh leaf-bare, riddled with famine in the clan. Soon enough, the leader chose their deputy. Waspcatcher, Frostheart cheered alongside their clanmates.

The day finally came, where his own son, had finally become a warrior. He was given the name Hackberrytoe. Frostheart couldn’t help but cheer as loud as possible for their kit, she was incredibly proud of him. They were also given their first apprentice this day, they couldn’t help but bounce a bit on their paws as they waited to meet their apprentice, Apricotpaw.


Hackberrypaw {Kit | Marsh | Alive}

  “My little ball of energy, I am sure you are going to make a great warrior one day. I have the utmost faith in you”

Cloverpaw {Kit | Marsh | Missing}

  “My sweet Clover, you were the kindest cat I knew...”

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  their friends
  •   pulling pranks
  •  helping out clanmates
  •  swimming
  •  feathers
  • aggressive cats
  • storms
  • spiders
  • sharp rocks
  • really cold water
  • 🟆 I always butcher at least one thing about their design when I draw them
  • 🟆 Frosty has a couple future plans but not many
  • 🟆 The first warrior app I did for them, I messed up their tail markings, so it was upside down

profile html by Hukiolukio || Written Application vicstars on DA & ScorcherSoldier