


3 years, 5 months ago


27 (November 19th 1995)
Trans Man






trustworthy ★ resourceful ★ hot-headed

"If you have any legal troubles, don't be afraid to give me a call!"

Niles is a pristine businessman who prides himself hin his law and marketing experience. He is in charge of helping Candy promote her bakery as well as her trustworthy lawyer if she encounters any legal troubles. Niles is Cheston's best friend who became acquainted after several deep conversations at the bakery dicussing his music career. Candy's bakery is also where he met the love of his life, Melanie, who have been dating the last three years and going strong. In his spare time when he's not fulfilling his career duties, Niles enjoys cuddling with Melanie while watching documentaries and is trying to write his own murder mystery novel.


  • ❤ Melanie ❤
  • True crime documentaries
  • Writing novels

  • Criminals (although he will try his best to plead their case in court)
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Graffiti

Design Notes

  • Date Created: November 19th 2020; created by lal; bought for $45
  • Do's:
    -Draw him with Melanie!
    -Don't be afraid to experiment with different outfits!
  • Don'ts:
    -Draw NSFW of ANY kind!
    -Draw gore (mild/"candygore" is OK)

  • One of his outfits + swim trunks are inspired by Spamton from Deltarune
  • One of his oufits is inspired by Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
  • Niles is afraid of heights
Likely to

  • Have surveillance cameras installed inside his home
  • Attempt to advertise his business to others without warning
  • Have his law office located in a deep part of the city
Subheading 1

Nulla tempus enim a venenatis rhoncus. Pellentesque venenatis egestas eleifend. Pellentesque eu mauris in mauris cursus egestas eu id velit. Curabitur condimentum ante enim, volutpat malesuada nisl aliquet id.

Nullam congue elementum felis id sollicitudin. Nunc eros neque, sollicitudin ac tempor a, fermentum a mauris. Duis dolor ex, maximus at accumsan at, pretium at nisi. Proin rutrum justo a nisi consectetur tincidunt. Ut a est diam. Integer vehicula ut velit et pulvinar.

Subheading 2

Fusce volutpat ornare congue. Mauris id eros imperdiet purus suscipit sollicitudin.

Donec volutpat dolor sit amet erat sodales, nec viverra leo gravida. Morbi tincidunt tempus mi, nec molestie sem molestie vestibulum. Curabitur quis lacinia neque.

Subheading 3

Integer venenatis ultricies malesuada. Aenean sit amet augue at quam convallis fermentum sed sed elit. Morbi sit amet odio mi. Phasellus nec sem justo. Phasellus mollis a augue nec eleifend. Nulla at suscipit lorem. Sed ut leo dolor. Vestibulum non blandit nisl, in interdum lectus.

Nam porta scelerisque ullamcorper. Maecenas consequat vel quam quis dapibus. Nullam ullamcorper enim ut tortor convallis, in suscipit dolor eleifend. Integer scelerisque, nisi sit amet auctor gravida, neque enim rutrum urna, nec ullamcorper turpis eros blandit ipsum.


  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Maecenas sed neque aliquet, iaculis orci rutrum, posuere sapien.
  • Donec sit amet commodo magna.
  • Sed fringilla nunc vitae arcu scelerisque, in euismod nisl lobortis. Nullam eget nisi tincidunt, consectetur mi eget, ultrices augue.
Melanie girlfriend

Melanie is Niles' girlfriend of which they've been a relationship together for the past three years. How they met was via Candy's bakery and have been going strong ever since. Niles would do almost anything (within reason) for Melanie and wants to pop the question at some point so they can get married and potentially look into adopting a kid of their own.

Cheston best friend

Niles and Cheston are best friends; Niles absolutely adores Cheston's musical talent and thinks that he will become widely popular someday if he's determined enough. Niles almost views Cheston like a brother of sorts, wanting to support him no matter the circumstances.

Finn cousin

Finn is Niles' older cousin. Niles looks up to Finn as a role model of sorts, with its successful career in Computer Engineering. However, Niles will frequently tease Finn about his failed relationship with Trinity which he tries to avoid talking about.

Darude enemy

Niles despises Darude with a passion. He doesn't like how Darude will go around grafitti'ing buildings without a person's consent, including his own law office. They are lucky that Niles never turned them in for vandalism, as there are far worse crimes out there.