πŸ‘‘ Emily J. Waltera




Hello :)


Emily J. Waltera

"I'm like a Kinder Egg: full of surprises and banned in the US."


Artist, biology nerd and enthusiasm enthusiast! Will probably die by trying to pet a venomous insect some day.

An optimistic yet hopelessly nerdy person. Loves sunshine, cuddles, parties and bright colors just as much as she loves deep-dives into Wikipedia, biology and poking dead things! Chill and friendly, loves people despite natural introversion and a social anxiety disorder.

  • NICKNAMES Em, Emmy, Emnily/Emnilie, Enly, The Bat Lady, Batmom, Chii, Chiiro, Canis, Cani, Mabel
  • ROLE Fursona / truesona
  • VOICE Me goofing around
  • THEME Myself!
  • AGE 20
  • D.O.B July 16th 2002
  • HEIGHT 5'03"
  • WEIGHT ~160 lbs
  • GENDER female
  • SPECIES Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus)
  • OCCUPATION Unemployed
  • ARCHETYPE Obnoxious know-it-all probably
  • ORIENTATION Heterosexual
  • RESIDENCE BC, Canada
  • RELIGION Agnostic atheist
  • STANDING Prefers not to use political labels
  • STATUS Single; not actively searching but open to it!


  • Elle parle un peu franΓ§ais! (She speaks a little French)
  • Can hang upside-down from her feet. Blood flow redirects itself to prevent headaches while doing this.
  • Bad sensory issues regarding food; has the diet of a kindergartener.




Donec accumsan, odio nec euismod tincidunt, eros erat consequat dolor, vel pellentesque mauris lectus vel lacus. Vivamus sodales, lorem eu venenatis placerat, metus erat pharetra dolor, at aliquet orci ante eget tortor. Praesent tincidunt cursus cursus. Nullam in odio metus. Sed rutrum dignissim diam et luctus. Duis pulvinar posuere augue. Suspendisse in orci vel ipsum ultricies venenatis id gravida augue. Ut ultrices urna ac est aliquam pretium. Praesent urna arcu, volutpat non lobortis a, eleifend eu ex. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam viverra velit sed convallis luctus. Cras diam libero, ultricies quis pellentesque nec, feugiat nec elit. Nullam dignissim fringilla sapien in condimentum. Morbi at imperdiet orci. Proin sodales mattis velit, a hendrerit dui blandit id.


In viverra orci sem, vel pellentesque lacus rutrum eu. Aenean id lacus ultrices, venenatis libero eget, eleifend odio. Ut faucibus ultricies accumsan. Pellentesque non ornare mauris. Suspendisse non dapibus tellus. Nunc egestas massa scelerisque interdum semper. Quisque venenatis dapibus nisl, a cursus dui scelerisque non. Pellentesque ac eleifend massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean vitae augue enim. Praesent pharetra aliquam ullamcorper. Cras blandit lectus enim, convallis blandit tortor tincidunt fermentum. Vivamus nisl ipsum, mollis at blandit et, rhoncus quis risus.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.


  • Aenean bibendum convallis lectus id scelerisque. Nullam sollicitudin nibh ac vestibulum consectetur. Nunc tristique, elit suscipit luctus egestas, risus ante dapibus lorem, eget finibus neque libero nec ex.
  • Pellentesque at augue sed nibh congue venenatis in at augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam quam quam, suscipit vel faucibus mollis, pellentesque quis velit.


  • Suspendisse nisi sapien, semper quis porttitor et, blandit id tortor. Fusce porttitor tincidunt enim, vel maximus ligula vulputate in. Maecenas vulputate vitae ipsum at eleifend.
  • Nulla metus arcu, sollicitudin vitae justo at, luctus faucibus nisl. Sed volutpat libero sed tincidunt bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec elementum sagittis nisi. Maecenas bibendum nunc eu sapien finibus rhoncus. Etiam sit amet lorem at orci mattis pellentesque a ac ex. Mauris luctus, neque sit amet semper mattis, eros ante porta neque, ac volutpat purus leo in risus. Quisque feugiat dolor in mollis imperdiet. Curabitur tincidunt iaculis nunc ut rhoncus. Vestibulum cursus aliquet augue vitae posuere. Pellentesque eget ipsum id felis dignissim ullamcorper quis ac lorem. Curabitur feugiat sit amet leo et efficitur. Sed id augue a augue dapibus venenatis vitae id velit. Fusce posuere vestibulum nisl pulvinar aliquam.


  • Donec imperdiet turpis mollis tincidunt placerat. In porta et tellus eget condimentum. Quisque faucibus a felis sit amet mattis. Proin vitae neque congue, facilisis justo eget, porttitor turpis.


  • Duis vitae nunc mattis, ultrices felis sed, tempor lectus. In rutrum risus purus, ac commodo purus lacinia vitae. Suspendisse nec dolor id felis vulputate porta sit amet vel mauris. Proin porta ullamcorper dolor vitae vulputate. Pellentesque ultrices, nisi ut iaculis varius, mi sapien molestie tellus, eget porta metus ligula et ipsum. Maecenas laoreet ligula sed ultricies varius. Ut ac arcu sed nunc ornare varius eget tempus neque. Duis ultrices erat eros, ut tristique nisi elementum at. Mauris ut massa quam. Sed mattis massa vitae augue bibendum tincidunt. Proin ac mi et massa fermentum vulputate. In ut vestibulum nulla, in rhoncus sem.



Friendly, chipper and perhaps trying just a bit too hard, Emily's priority is to come off as approachable to others. Her mood fluctuates based on several factors, but at her best she's outgoing, laid-back and humorous if not a bit eccentric and at her worst simply quiet and shy. Most consistently, she loves to smile at people. Around friends or family she's a little lower energy, chill with a dry or absurd sense of humor and tends to tease or banter with those around her.


  • TRICHIOPHAGIA: The compulsive pulling and eating of hair. Very mild, only ever does so ritualistically to individual strands at a time.
  • WRIST-CRACKING: Rotates wrists almost compulsively a lot; thinks they feel sore, fragile or otherwise off.
  • GENERAL BFRBs: Will eat pretty much anything that comes off her body.


  • POSTURE: Straight; conscious
  • SMOKES/DRUGS?: Cannabis and occasionally mushrooms. Would never smoke.
  • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/DISABILITIES: Very minor keratosis pilaris
  • MENTAL ILLNESSES/DISABILITIES: Asperger Syndrome, Social Anxiety Disorder, possible Attention Deficit Disorder.


  • Literally like every animal ever
  • Colors!
  • Anatomy
  • Parties
  • Sunshine/warmth
  • Lava lamps
  • Gravity Falls
  • Art of any kind
  • Nintendo games
  • Hugs and cuddles
  • Cartoons
  • Honestly too much stuff to put here


  • Rain
  • The cold
  • Closed-mindedness
  • Apathy/rudeness
  • Ketchup
  • Being stuck indoors
  • Winter/snow
  • Tribe mentalities
  • Scratchy wool blankets
  • Littering and wastefulness


  • FOOD: Pizza or onion rings probably
  • DRINK: Water or chocolate milk
  • COLOUR: Lime green
  • NUMBER: 100
  • SPORT: Swimming
  • ANIMAL: Hoary bat
  • HOLIDAY: Christmas
  • SEASON: Summer
  • TIME OF DAY: Noon
  • GENRE(S): Documentary, cartoon, pop


  • ART: Mainly a digital artist but dabbles in traditional art, writing and even occasionally sculpting. Has been drawing her entire life and is very passionate about artistic freedom and expression.
  • NATURALIST: Loves the natural world and everything in it. Emily's favorite thing is meeting new creatures and discovering new things. Works mainly in entomology because it's the most accessible; has a cork board covered in specimens she's collected and identified.
  • GAMING: cool freaking swag gamer what. Has like 3,000 hours on The Binding of Isaac and will probably be playing it the rest of her life.


  • CAREER: Emily would like to become an exotic veterinarian some day. Wouldn't mind working on house pets, either, but whatever happens she wants to meet all sorts of animals from all over the world!
  • ARTISTIC GOALS: Wants to be able to render photo-realism from pure imagination or minimal references. Desires being a quicker artist, as well.
  • WEALTH: Big thinking sometimes requires a big wallet! Emily doesn't want to miss out on anything, and would prefer an easy life where she's able to do what she'd like to.


  • SAME AS GOALS yeah


  • WAIT A SEC: If I told you they wouldn't be secrets now would they?
  • OKAY BUT REALLY: Is pretty down bad for some certain triangles.


  • DEATH: Emily hates the thought of dying prematurely. There's a lot she wants to do, and fears missing out on anything.
  • FAILURE: Terrified that she isn't living up to her full potential. This can cause her to be quite hard on herself.
  • POLITICS: Fears that others may misunderstand some of her less known beliefs and ostracize her due to them.


  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Chill, American accent
  • SWEARS?: If permitted, nothing's off limits
  • QUIRKS: Often leaves out 'g's at the end of verbs (somethin', goin', etc.)


  • "I wasn't gonna say anything."
  • "Oh goodness gracious."
  • "Riddley-diddley I love my squiggly noodle!"
  • "Don't worry babe I'll protect you with my big strong arms."
  • "That's freaking janked-up, dude."
  • "You're a dingus and a dork and I do not respect you."
  • "One second I'm scrounging for morsels."



  • EMPATHETIC: Able to see the logic behind every sort of reaction or feeling and hates seeing others mistreated unjustifiably.
  • POSITIVE: Loves life, tries to find the good in everything, including herself. On good days she can be extremely confident, making sure to lift up herself as well as those around her.
  • INTELLECTUAL: Values a logical, objective mindset. Knows a lot about chosen subjects and is able to retain large amounts of information on them.


  • ANXIOUS: Has been getting better over the years, but her social anxiety continues to cause her to miss out on potentially positive interactions, sometimes petrifying her from simply being in the same room as a stranger. This mixed with autism sometimes results in social overstimulation and she needs a lot of time to herself.
  • SELF-DOUBTING: Wants so desperately to be a good person that the slightest grievance may cause her to doubt herself. Has high expectations for herself and is discouraged when they aren't realistic.
  • SENSITIVE: While always trying to give people the benefit of the doubt, interactions that are blatantly negative more often than not taint the rest of her day.


  • FLIGHT: Pretty agile and swift in the air, able to go moderate distances and preform the occasional flip. Doesn't glide all that well unless thermals are involved.
  • CLIMBING: Sharp claws and grasping toes allow her to latch onto many different surfaces, most commonly trees which she loves to perch on. Can even support herself hanging upside-down given she can get a good grip!


  • BAT: is a bat and that is very cool.


  • VISUAL ART: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • THE SCIENCES: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • ARTISTRY: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.














Describe relationship here. Quisque vestibulum varius magna sit amet accumsan. Praesent ut augue maximus, faucibus nisl sed, pellentesque dui. Nam commodo mollis lobortis.



Describe relationship here. Quisque vestibulum varius magna sit amet accumsan. Praesent ut augue maximus, faucibus nisl sed, pellentesque dui. Nam commodo mollis lobortis.



Describe relationship here. Quisque vestibulum varius magna sit amet accumsan. Praesent ut augue maximus, faucibus nisl sed, pellentesque dui. Nam commodo mollis lobortis.



  • WORTH Priceless
  • OPEN FOR HEADCANONS? I guess, but I am a real person so I can pretty much confirm any burning questions you may have!
  • OPEN FOR RELATIONSHIPS? Romantic? No. Platonic? Yes!


  • I really really really really really encourage you to look at photos of actual hoary bats if you draw her as their anatomy is not one most people are familiar with. I've tried my best to make her reference sheet detailed but ultimately the real thing is your best bet! Remember: she is a BAT, not a dog or a cat.
  • It's preferred that you draw her clothed but I have no issue with artistic nudity!
  • You're not required nor expected to draw her wings open; they're typically folded anyway. Hide 'em under a sleeve and it's basically just a normal arm!


  • Hands have SIX digits: thumb, pointer, middle, and three wing fingers. Wings fold tightly against forearms when not in use. Fingers should appear to display in a peace sign -esque position when spread with folded wings.
  • Nostrils point sideways. Face is mostly bald besides cheeks but she has a lot of fine whiskers (I don't draw them unless I'm doing a very detailed painting of her but I'd never object to a few cute whiskers if you wanna add them!).
  • Thin tail with lots of joints. This tail procures a membrane that is heavily furred on the dorsal side. Membrane attaches around the protrusion of the tail, around level with the iliac crest.
  • A bit chubby around the belly, arms and thighs. She's so fluffy it doesn't show all that much except in form-fitting shirts.



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