
3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

giveback raffle - 2/3 art


Owner: Mazikyn                                   Species: Granthrow
Name: Shiva
Age: 7 years
Birthdate: February 29th
Upload Date: December 29th, 2020
Sexuality: hetero
Gender: female
Status: heterosexual
Parents: n/a
Cubs: n/a

Personality: fun-loving, somewhat silly and rarely serious on any given day, Shiva wants nothing more than to protect anyone she can from dark forces. Often managing to be a 'white knight,' she nevertheless strives to be as virtuous and helpful as possible. She trains constantly to be able to protect those weaker and less fortunate and wanders the countryside with her companions in search of wrongs to make right.
History: Born to a pair of loners, Shiva learned early on how to care for herself. Her dam was barely able to feed herself, much less the winter-born cubs she produced. The sire wandered his territory and rarely acknowledged his cubs - Shiva and her siblings only knew who he was because their mother said so. The tragic loss of her mother would have devastated anyone else, but she couldn't really feel for someone who had never really been there. Shiva's elder brother gathered them up and between him and Shiva, took them off to find a real home before their sire decided they were poaching. Luck did not stay with them and Shiva's littlest brother took sick shortly after. Without the knowledge of their world, they could only watch as he faded away, leaving Shiva with her brother. Knowing she could fend for herself, he decided they'd be better off splitting up. Reluctantly, Shiva agreed, though she hoped to find him again someday. She promptly fell through a rotten log and nearly skewered herself.

She began looking for a place to call home. Misfortune seemed to dog her paws, however and she ran into a mysterious granthrow bent on her death. Falling into a river in her frantic dash to escape, she was banged and bruised until she managed to claw her way enough onto a faraway bank to catch her breath. Bleeding and broken, she dragged herself out of the frigid water, only to find the same mysterious stranger had followed her. Trapped, she meekly submitted to him, but he only beat her to the ground, threatened to claw her throat out the next time he saw her and left her to bleed to death. The small granthrow was saved by a proud falcon, who found herbs and a warm cave for the night. Thinking she wouldn't survive till dawn, the falcon then flew off, having done what he could. Grateful for the kindness after the harsh lesson she'd learned, Shiva vowed to the gods she would help those who needed it if she could survive.

Shiva woke the next morning stiff and heavily bruised. Carefully, she hunted for more herbs, trying to find the same ones. Luckily, before she killed herself eating deathcap, the falcon returned, berating her on her near-death mistake and finally just took her under his wing. She promptly named him Skyrat, which he suffers only because Shiva is so sincere in her thanks.

At some point, she got into one too many scrapes and was found by Poptart, a slim Mrefu of middling height who was patrolling the borders of his territory. He tended her wounds, managed to turn her around and avoid her 'helping' in any way, shape or form, but brought her back into the home cave, somehow eeking out a promise she would stay until she healed. She has since healed enough to move on, but one thing or another has actually kept her from wandering off to find others to help. Shiva is strangely content with helping her new family.

Random facts: 
--- A blue falcon named Skyrat tries to keep Shiva alive - a full time occupation.
--- Shiva is afraid of heights.

Stats: STR – 6 | RES – 6 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 2        20
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: C | Fangs: UC | Size: UC (small) | Eyes: UC
Mutation: n/a
Special Base: n/a

Made by :: ghosty