[S] Pearly Pendant



7 years, 1 month ago



Pearly Pendant

pronouns [he/him/his]
gender [male]
height [five seven]
species [earth pony]

he has a neck tattoo, slimy tentacles going about half-way across the side of his neck. they're a very dark color rainbow, with bright bright blue highlights. his hair is meant to emulate liquid, like a waterfall, frothy at the bottom. his sweater is two-toned pink, and is snug with a big, loose collar. he has a circling leg tattoo on his right hind leg, in purple-pink. he has white socks, and his muzzle is white, and he has a white doily like marking with hearts coming from it on his hindquarters. his cutie mark is a drawing tablet pen, with feathery multi colored drawing coming from the end of it. he has five eyes, and four eyebrows, two on either side, and the fifth eye is in the center of his forehead. he can use magic, it causes the center of his chest to glow. his magic is bright blue.


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