Ardijan Origen



3 years, 9 months ago


born in the hinterlands as gwylan son of fellkner, kidnapped by a wyvern of origen as a teenager (got the scar across his face from trying to escape its grasp), taken in by a village on origen's southwestern border. hunter and swordsman, ally to the dragonslayers but not exactly one of them

"The man whose blade had been level with my nose mere moments earlier was a striking thing; paler than a ghost and built to fight, with a burning yellow gaze as fierce as a hawk's. ... Most startling of all, though, was the scar. Gnarled, twisted, and wholly vicious too look at, it trailed from the tip of his brow, across the bridge of his pointed nose, and onto his cheek and neck. At the sight of it, I shivered. Such visible scars were a rarity in a world with weavers--surely Ashskell had some available, meaning that he'd probably kept it by choice, like I had for mine. I shivered at the thought--what had he endured that'd been so horrible for him to want a permanent reminder of it across his reflection forever?"

The captain of Farnorth Palace's royal guard, Ian Fell is a sight to behold; a tall, stoic man who haunts the halls of the castle when he isn't clinging to Calder's side.
Unbeknownst to most, the fierce and fearsome warrior is a polymorphed griffin, with his true name being Gwylan Ardian 'Snowfeather' Fellkner.