


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full name



Ash, Ashie, Dove


The angel eater


23 February






Lust demon


King of Lust




Black Comet


“Very well, I shall become the monster you so badly want me to be.”


The current king of Lust known as The angel eater. He is a strange Lust demon who resembles an angel not only appearance wise, but also in mannerism, speech and scent. Aside from his angelic demeanour, he always wear a somber expression that makes his emotions hard to read. Despite all the hardships he's gone through, he only has one visible scar on his chest. He is a skilled spear and magic user.

He wages war against Heaven and her angels. As his alias suggests he is known for consuming angel meat, which is basically his main diet. For this he is greatly hated by angels.


Appearing as a strong willed, ice cold ruler, Ashmedai is a well spoken though stand off-ish demon. It is extremely hard to get close to him or earn his trust, but those who do will be under his complete protection. He is quiet and reserved but speaks very directly, not sugarcoating his actions. He shows no respect or manners to those who haven’t earned his favour, regardless of their status. He can appear pretty arrogant though that is mostly due to his quiet nature. Deep down Ashmedai is mentally scarred and traumatised, a side of himself that he greatly resents. Also a side of himself that he hides from absolutely anyone. Though his ice queen facade is hard to break, a trigger for him, ironically, is always mentioning his likeliness to angels and Heaven. Because of his past of being mistreated for his appearance, he has developed a grim way of taking his anger out on the angelkind. Which further developed into a disturbing “hobby”. He has strong voice of authority and a natural leader, which despite his demeanour, makes him a respectable king. Sometimes, he does show great kindness and concern through his actions, though that is rarely recognised by outsiders.


Born sickly and weak, Ashmedai emerged from the soil of Sheol at the climax of the ongoing war. Although many strange events took place leading up to and during his birth, Ashmedai himself did not recall them, and much of his early life became a distant, blurred memory. He was born with an ill, cursed heart, that handicapped him greatly and forced him to lead a poor life. 

Due to his appearance resembling that of an angel, Ashmedai was abused relentlessly by other demons. Eventually it lead to him being completely shunned, forcing him to having to leave Sheol altogether for a while. Once he returned to his birth land, he took residence outside the cities. Coming across a hidden library, Ashmedai started studying the art of magic and found great success with it. He eventually met knight captain Shira, who recognised his potential, though she failed to get him officially enrolled into the knight academy. Though Ashmedai did end up receiving plenty of lessons and would be brought into the academy on occasion by the captain. It was at that time Ashmedai ended up meeting Amon and Saturn as apprentices.

That was what started Ashmeda’s complicated relationship to the two, which would eventually drag him into a number of incidents. By the end of said incidents Ashmedai came out as a changed demon with a great resentment towards angel kind, in much better health, and now having taken the throne as the new king of lust.

Though several years passed without having appointed a blood knight, Ashmedai found the thought of putting his trust in anyone repulsive after suffering so much abuse in the past. That all changed when he met Crow, who earned the king’s trust despite great resistance from the latter. After that, Ashmedai slowly started putting more faith in those around him. Finally, now as a well respected king, Ashmedai could finally start to change things to his likeness, starting with his grudge against the angels.

Other quotes

  • ”Gross.” (To anything he disapproves of)
  • ”You should have killed me.” (To Saturn)
  • ”I didn’t ask to be born like this.” (To Seraphim)
  • ”Run. Run home to your mummy.”
  • ”You deserve better.” (To Crow)
  • "You will fall." (To Heaven.)


  • He is often referred to as a dove, but he is actually a white raven.
  • He owns several pet ravens.
  • He is strongly repulsed by salty and sour food.
  • He wields a spear adorned with several decapitated angel wings.
  • He very rarely sleeps.
  • His scar resembles a heart surgery scar.