
3 years, 5 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)



Basic Information

Codename Akasha Age Ancient
Gender Male Pronouns He/Him
Height 7' 5" Weight 1500 lbs
Ability Mutant Record Species Mutant

I won't let our legacy die



Akasha was born into a reality that diverged from 616’s path long ago. It practically has nothing left in common with many realities that we have seen. In this Earth’s distant past mutants decided that cohabitation with humans was going to cost too much life to work towards. The strongest mutants of that time combined their abilities together to create a mirror world. The same Earth, occupying the same space as their human counterparts, but separated forever by “The Veil”. Mutants and humans could now both live in relative peace, forever separated from each other.

This new mutant world was like paradise, and many have compared it to places such as Elysium or Heaven. In this mirror world mutants aged extremely slowly, and illness was practically non-existent due to the myriad of healers around. War was unheard of with mutant circuits being commonplace here, so resources were never dwindling. It truly was an idyllic place in the multiverse. A heaven amongst hellspaces for their kind in the vast cold multiverse.

It was in this environment that Akasha was raised. Being a tenth generation mutant Akasha had extreme physical differences from other mutants, but even that drew no attention from his community. He grew up loving himself inside and out. Instead of being ostracized Akasha was celebrated as a great blessing upon his people. It was this love and support that led him to become a leader for his people.

As Akasha grew up his abilities made themselves known. The main ability that brought him notoriety was his omega level power to perfectly record and store the life history of every mutant born in his universe. While death wasn’t as common in this reality it still did occur, and Akasha became the voice and warden of these people’s stories. In the beginning the information was too much to handle, and protections had to be placed on his mind to keep him from burning out. Overtime, and with practice, Akasha created his own mindscape to hold these stories. He even created a system that would allow him to recall specific individuals with a thought.

As his people were still relatively pastoral and tribal in structure Akasha was held in high esteem. Storytellers were one of the highest respected positions within the community, and in concert with his queerness he was almost deified. He was the ultimate “bridge between '' for his people connecting past and present, life and death, masculine and feminine. He lived a life of joy, comfort, and servitude. This was true up until his reality ended.

Unlike many of our other heroes Akasha wasn’t saddened by the ending of his reality. His world had reached its natural conclusion. There were no incursions, no apocalyptic events, no suffering. He and his people knew their time had come and welcomed their end, giving thanks to the life they were fortunate enough to have all this time. As with fate things aren’t always as clear cut. As the world turned into a blanket of white Akasha could feel himself falling into a deep chasm, and that’s the last time he saw his world.

Waking in a new world was unexpected to say that least for Akasha. Due to his power he knew this wasn’t some afterlife, because he downloaded the life stories of a number of mutants upon arrival. One might think that sorrow is the natural reaction to surviving a universal collapse, but the only thing that filled Akasha’s heart was wonder. He and his people lived a long good life. There was nothing to mourn over. Askasha knew he couldn’t squander this new opportunity, this miracle.

Since Akasha knew there were other mutants in this new world he decided to start exploring his surroundings, ideally finding them in the process. He saw vast vistas of destroyed alien architecture, floating out of place stars, and a sea of desolation. He thought there was a strange macabre beauty to his new surroundings. Eventually he came across a glittering dome that stood out against the gray landscape, and decided to investigate. Inside was a gathering of other mutants seemingly as displaced as he was given their eclectic attire.

Akasha grew to know these mutants as his new family. Together they created an organization of reality displaced mutants. They help those survivors adjust to their second life, and provide safety and emotional support for them. He has become the de facto leader of The Exiles (even as the newest addition to the original team) due to his calmness, vast wisdom, and life experience. More so than any of his compatriots, he wants to create a new utopia for their people, not as a replica of his old world but more so as a personal mission. After seeing how his kin have suffered in their home dimensions he’s determined to make things right for them this time around.


Akasha is ancient by most species standards, and because of this he holds a vast amount of wisdom and experiences. He comes off as a sage-like figure who the others often go to for advice, or simply to have him there while they speak out their feelings. He has a magnetic personality that draws newcomers to him, and a gentleness that makes them stay. The Crystalline Palace would simply not be possible without him. He is the heart and soul of The Exiles and their mission.

While Akasha is a bright light to his team this occasionally blinds himself to certain truths. By meeting other mutants Akasha now understands the horrors of war and bigotry, but he still has a hard time grasping that it’s a real possibility. He tends to give everyone the benefit of the doubt which has led to countless conflicts since his arrival. His heart is his greatest strength, but his teammates wish that he could become a bit more realistic and careful when dealing with threats. This is something he is painfully starting to accept.


  • Fruit
  • Sunsets
  • Peace
  • Galloping
  • Teaching


  • Betrayal
  • Pain
  • Bitter Tastes
  • Sleeping
  • Swimming


  • Akasha’s name is derived from the Akashic Records, a concept in theosophy that is said to contain all knowledge of the universe past, present, and future.
  • Fact
  • Fact
  • Fact
  • Fact


As a tenth generation mutant Akasha has quite the myriad of physical mutations. Due to his unique physiology he has heightened endurance, speed, strength, and senses. While these are not at the level of typical metahumans they definitely are far more sensitive than base humans/mutants. Along with those abilities Akasha also has natural claw, horn, fang, and venom attacks. Overall he has the power of an alpha predator at peak physical performance.

He also has some plant-like characteristics from previous ancestors. He has the ability to photosynthesize, but still prefers to eat. Plants naturally grow on his body and his arms have a bark-like texture. Many more magically inclined individuals often mistake him for a nature spirit or some sort of god. This lends to his calming and zen nature.

Akasha’s main power, and the one at omega level, is his ability to automatically absorb the history of all mutants who have existed in the dimension he’s in. This counts for both living and deceased mutants, and he stores them forever. He is a living record of mutant history who can project these memories into other’s as a way of quickly sharing information. This is what makes him an excellent tactician and amazing lorekeeper.

Design Notes

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