Thunderfang (Warriors)



Thunderfang is a cat created as a fan character for the Warriors book series written by Erin Hunter. An optimist, and jump before think type can get her in trouble often.
Thunderfang was part of a fan created clan called Oakclan. Due to her odd color, alot of the other cats in the clan was suspicious of her and avoided her. Though she was hardly bothered by it, She still made friends with at least 4 other cats she grew up with. With her on the fly decision making her eventually became deputy. During her time as deputy she took on a mate named Barkpelt. During this time she became pregnant with her 4 kits, the clan leader passed but since she could not receive her 9 lives until her kits was born she had to just act as leader as well as she could. Her kits came and after a few days she went to become leader and happily ever after I guess?