Lillybell's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

studiomaz Global Rules
Adoptable Rules:

If an original design has been bought from me:
★ You may resell, trade or gift the design after purchasing
★ You may not resell for more than the original worth of the design + commissioned art
★ Adopts purchased do not contain commercial rights, but will happily discuss if contacted!

If a design was acquired through a resale, trade or gift:

★ If acquired through a resale, you may resell/trade/gift for the original worth of the design + commissioned art
★ If acquired through a trade or gift, the design cannot be resold after unless new commission work has been purchased, and may only be sold for that amount.
★ Adopts acquired through trade or a gift do not contain commercial rights, but will happily discuss if contacted!

If a design was acquired from a closed species:
★ Please refer to the species' specific TOS in regards to rules!

★You can find my general TOS here: