Zhetain Murdaan



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

myo cub - trade only




Owner: Mazikyn
Name: Zhetain
Bloodline: Murdaan
Species: Granthrow
Birthdate: Jan 11
Gender: male
Parents: Amarilas, Xervantes
Cubs: N/A

Stats: STR – 3 | RES – 5 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 5 | DEX –3
Traits: Ears: UC | Tail: R | Fangs: C | Size: R | Eyes: C
Mutation: N/A                                                             Special Base: N/A

Age: 3
Status: single                      Sexuality: Bi

Personality: shy, but broody. Zhet is spoiled and will sulk if he doesn't get his way. Dislikes when his little sister gets things he doesn't and will pitch a fit until he gets something similar. Is usually in trouble from his father as Zhet constantly tries to do things the adults are doing because of his size and the belief that he's 'old enough'. Tends to hold a grudge and often plays tricks on others.
History: Zhet was a surprise baby as his mother thought she couldn't have any cubs. Maril had birthed Crentasil, but during the time she was not mentally sane and has no recollection (as a result, Xervantes is not aware she had a cub). Maril was still very weakened, delirious and sick. When Zhet came along, Van and Maril realized why she'd been so sick. With Maril still recovering from the  birth, Van took them to a nearby pack to find a solution for his tiny mate's sickness. Slowly, she began to recover, but Zhetain had to be fed from a surrogate or ground up food instead of Maril herself. Despite this, Zhetain kept growing, predicting he was going to match his father's size some day. As the cub grew, Zhetain refused to have anything to do with nature and had to be clean at all times. Though to be fair, Zhet loved the water and the feel of it, even if it was ice-cold - which made him sick and worried both parents to no end. As he grew, Zhet settled down a little, but he's still very vain, picky and extremely touchy. He's wary, but friendly and at least gives others the time of day before deciding whether they're worth his time anymore.
Random facts: 
--- Loves water in all forms. Not just for getting clean, but will always be found wet in some shape or form.


0 - free raffled age-up by Ghosty

Owner: Puddle                                     Species: Granthrow
Name: Zhetain
Birthdate: June 13
Bloodline: N/A 
Upload Date: admin should put date here
Parents: Amarilas, Xervantes
Gender: male
Favorite toy or game: Swimming. Whether its a puddle or a full river, he'll try to get in it. He loves the water.
Personality: shy, but broody. Zhet is spoiled and will sulk if he doesn't get his way. Dislikes when others gets things he doesn't and will pitch a fit until he gets something similar. Is usually in trouble from his father as Zhet constantly tries to do things the adults are doing because of his size. Tends to hold a grudge and often plays tricks on others, leading Van to reprimand him and make his son sulk.
Random facts: 
--- Loves water in all forms. Not just for getting clean, but will always be found wet in some form.

Stats: STR – here | RES – here | WIS – here | CHA – here | DEX – here
Traits: Ears: UC | Tail: C | Fangs: C | Size: R | Eyes: C
Alt Traits: Horns: n/a | Wings: n/a | Glowies: n/a | Feathers: n/a
God Trait(s): n/a
Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: N/A | Flowers: N/A | Plants: N/A | Branch Horns: N/A | Wooden Limbs: N/A
Mutation: n/a                                             Special Base: n/a