


7 years, 20 days ago



Name Medivh
Nickname Medi
Pronouns He/Him
Age Adult (33 yo)
Species Browbird
Subtype Standard
Size 7'0" - Built Strong
Job Ship Captain & Forge Master
Aspect Fire || Metal || Stone
Dating Arabelle

Forged in Flames


Strong-Willed • Brave • Soft-Hearted • Misconceived • Adventurous

"Time, much like my forge shapes metal into swords, has the power to reveal the true form of all things. Would you care to join me for tea?"

Medivh is a contemplative yet serious Browbird whose expertise lies in metalwork, showcasing his skill as a proficient blacksmith. Typically, he can be found immersed in his forge, navigating extreme temperatures with apparent ease and deriving satisfaction from his work. His communication style is reserved, with words spoken sparingly, and he tends to avoid engaging in idle conversation. Despite his somewhat rugged appearance and initially gruff demeanor, Medivh is genuinely kind—a trait that defines him as a truly 'normal' Browbird.

Over the years, Medivh has evolved into a more refined Browbird, owing to his numerous accomplishments during expeditions with his crew. This maturation is evident in his decision-making process, marked by thoughtfulness and a deliberate approach to progress. Unlike his impulsive tendencies in his youth, he now navigates forward with consideration, avoiding the reckless approach to danger that defined his earlier years.

Medivh, once struggling to connect with other Celestials due to his close alignment with the aspects of Fire and Metal, found that his pure intentions often unintentionally caused hurt feelings. However, as time progressed, Medi learned to select his words and actions judiciously. Despite these early challenges, Medivh now feels no discomfort in meeting new Brows or creatures across the galaxy. He exudes a friendly demeanor, extending a helping hand when needed. The Brow, who thrives in the fiery forge, appreciates the company of various beings and has developed a strong affinity for the creatures he adopts. This newfound interest in discovering and caring for unique beasts has become a sort of 'hobby' for him.

+Likes / -Dislikes

+ Metal Work || The higher the detail, the more Medi melts over it. He believes this to be true art and skill.

+ Hard work & Determination || There are no lazy Celestials working on Medi's ship. He values diligence and admires the strong will of others who strive to accomplish tasks and make things happen.

+ Companion Creatures || The Browbird harbors a fondness for creature companions, to the extent that he has a barn-like structure built within his ship. He takes pride in adopting and nurturing these rare and intriguing beasts.

+ Tea Parties || Despite being so rough and gruff looking, Medi enjoys the comforts of a tea party. Delectable lunch sets, scrumptious sweets, and divinely aromatic teas hold a special place in his heart.

+ Veggies & Fruits || Despite his robust appearance, one might expect the manly Browbird to have an affinity for various meats. However, his palate finds greater pleasure in consuming fruit and vegetable dishes.

Failure || He finds displeasure in falling short of his intended results; situations like these tend to bother him to some extent.

Loud Beings || Excessively loud noises can be a significant distraction, disrupting his work or pleasant thoughts. He harbors a strong dislike for loud Celestials, and an unmistakable glare of annoyance is promptly expressed when encountering such disturbances.

Neon Colors || There's something about neon colors that makes him cringe, likely stemming from negative experiences in certain celestial cities and the degrading associations often linked with neon-colored banners.

Discomfort of Others || Despite his apparent demeanor, Medi feels genuinely remorseful when his presence makes others uncomfortable. He invests time in getting to know those he cares about or wishes to connect with, actively taking steps to demonstrate that he is not an intimidating or unapproachable figure.


  • Crest || Crescent (Common)
  • Horns || Banana (Common)
  • Tail || Forest (Uncommon)
  • Perks || 🎃 Autumn Bonus 🎃 (Special)



Power ۰ Substance ۰ Fire (common)
  • Primary form a magic - more relates to this aspect over Metal and Stone. Uses to conjure fire flames, balls, flame throwers. Aids him in his occupation at being a forge master!

Power ۰ Substance ۰ Metal (uncommon)
  • Also tied in with his personality, but not as strong as fires, he uses the metal aspect to easily find valuable treasures within the earth or around it. He also employs it to make his crafted items very intricate and sought after.

Power ۰ Substance ۰ Stone (common)
  • Honestly, his second form of magic - can bend the earth to use as defense from an attack or be used as the attack itself. Not to mention, Fire + Stone = Magma/Lava! This makes it easy for him to craft weapons and armor for his job as a master blacksmith.

Deeper In

A little more info for the soul

Medi is always open for more interactions of all sorts, friendships, short term travel companions, clients, enemies, ext. In truth he is my main character so it is easier to flesh things out with him.


--- || Obtain an rare Enchanted Weapon.

--- || Find a loving life companion

--- || Maybe get a runic tattoo

html by Pinky




Medi's best friend. The pair have been inseparable together since they were both small. Khadgar may not act it but he does love Medi, as Medi loves him in their grumpy kinda way. The Timelord Kitbull is a savior of sorts - oddly keeping the Browbird out of trouble when he makes terrible decisions.



Adopted son who had joined the crew after meeting him in the Skirmish game at Aldebast Academy. Cares of him as his own and is proud of the boys accomplishments. Medi can see he'll grow up to be a fine Frost/Blood Healer and encourages him to chase his dreams at becoming the best.



Son's classmate girlfriend from Aldebast. Medi humored the boy and let her join the crew expecting her to return to the school after one good adventure, but she ended up being the best ship cook Medi has ever had. He enjoys the conversations they have and her outlook on life despite being so young. She has turned into a treasured member of the crew.



Ship Rogue. An absolute pain in his butt, however the guys work in their adventures is much needed. The two take gabs often at eachother in words, but its all in good fun. Medi enjoys having this shady character around as something refreshing to his senses.



As much of a mess this little goobull makes in his ship, Medi enjoys his company. He is looking foreward to see what type of kitbull he becomes in the end. There is a sense of greatness coming from this drippy little companion.



Ships Housekeeper. Medi is so thankful to have hired this energenic cleaning browbird after Oogieboogs had arrived. They make the ship completely spotless and always happy to do their job. They also have instantly become a cherished member among the crew and blended in effortlessly.



Liz is an old friend of Medi. They are known to travel together moving across the galaxy seeking grand adventures. Medi cares deeply for this browbird friend and will defend him with his life.



He literally does not know where to start with this one. The moment Medi lay his eyes upon her, he was in love. They have extremely awkward interactions since he is not the best with romance. He'd do about anything for this mega browed voluptuous lady.



Arabelle's bestfriend and Khadgars new wife. He thinks she is cute and is getting comfortable with her being around.