★ Mercury



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info









DoB April 14th
Sign Aries
Pronouns She/They/He
Orient. Bisexual

Breed Shiba Inu
Build Thin and fluffy
Eyes Blue
Fur Yellow and orange
Spacedust Blue


Mercury is a yellow furred Nebulruff, with light orange and darker orange markings along her face, legs, ears and back. She has blue eyes, and blue spacedust. Her tail curles upward towards her, and is completely covered in spacedust, while her cheeks and paws have sprinkles of spacedust too, as well as the inside of her ears and the halo over her head. Her canine teeth are longer than average, and poke out of her mouth. And she’s most often seen with a big, goofy grin on her face. She can be both anthro or feral.

She volunteers often at an animal shelter, taking care of the creatures inside, but her actual job is as a mechanical engineer. She’s also very nifty with electrical work.


  • As a pup, she got into an accident and started to show signs of having electricity running through her, resulting in the lightning surrounding her, while also making her have an interest in electricity.
  • Her full name is Melanie Santos, but Mercury was a nickname given to her by her grandfather when she was little, and she now refuses to respond to her actual name.
  • She can't stand the taste of coffee.
  • She is very outgoing and always needs to make new friends, and always wants to hang out with her current friends, annoying them until they give in and go places with her.
  • She is very good at calligraphy, and writes a lot of love poems for no one in particular.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Left
Attitude Deovted
Archetype Sage
Leading trait Empathetic
Biggest flaw Ignorance



Cola Slushies









Childhood and... Near death experience??

Mercury was born into an average but close family, being the only child in her household, she was always the centre of attention, and didn't like when she wasn't. Despite being rather spoiled, Mercury never got into trouble, she was a very polite pup, and was always praise for it. One day, she came across her grandfather looking through a book, and she learned more about space and planets. The idea of space scared her, but she loved the planets, her favourite planet eventually becoming her nickname, given to her by her grandfather. She was 5 when she got into making stories, though a lot of them didn't go anywhere, she loved to write, and loved to see her feelings down on paper.

She was 15 when she ran outside with her cousins, going out to play in the rain even though her mother warned them not to. Mercury didn't see how anything could go wrong, they were just going to be playing. But her mom failed to warn them that it was a storm, and despite all odds, lightning struck Mercury dead on. She doesn't remember much of that night, only waking up in a hospital bed the next morning. To everyones shock, she barely had a scratch on her, and they began to think that maybe she wasn't struck and the lightning just startled her so bad that she fainted. Not the most flawless theory, but they couldn't think of any other explanation.

While recovering, Mercury had a lot of difficulties moving around, and often had to lean on a family member to keep herself from falling. It didn't stay that way forever, soon she was able to walk on her own, but her paws started to become twitchy, seemingly moving on their own. It was almost impossible for her to write anything, and gave up on her poems for a long time.

Later in life...

She applied for college, going into engineering out of pure curiosity, her family wasn't very happy with her spontaneous decision, but allowed her to do her own thing. Which her issues keeping her paws still, it started to become frustrating, and she was ready to drop out. But the day before she managed to drop out, she met someone who had always kept to themselves, and wasn't seen around friends. But despite how much of a shut-in they seemed to be, when they saw her close to them, they smiled and greeted her like they were long-time friends.

She learned that this other ruff was a musician, and though they weren't enrolled in the college, their mother was a professor, and let them tag along with her to practice their music. She also learned that they were deaf, and although she was surprised at first, she found it inspiring. She became friends with them, and she opened up to them about her twitching hands, and they reassured her and pushed her to start writing again.

She sat in her room that night, holding her favourite pen, and staring down at the blank sheet of paper. Thinking of her new friend, she allowed herself to start writing again, they were messy, almost impossible to read, but she couldn't be happier that she had a reason to do what she loved again. Her new friend became her muse, the reason she wrote all of her deepest feelings every night, sometimes until the sun came back up again, and she was late to class.

The more she took in about her friend, the more she realized they had eyes for someone else, and eventually they asked her if she could write something for them to give to the one they loved. Although she was heartbroken, Mercury agreed and they spent her lunch break in a private study room, they practiced their instrument, and she wrote the most heartbreaking poem she had ever had to see, though only she would know how much it really hurts, and all she can do is watch her muse run off with someone else every day.



  • Writing
  • Electricity
  • Engineering/Building
  • Music
  • Sounds of violins
  • Cold weather
  • Lazuli..?
  • Upsetting others
  • Being condescended
  • Paint...

I write to see colours...
