


Basic Info


Chiffon Pora






March 27


5ft / 152 cm




He/Him or They/Them


Fennec fox


Homosexual / Homoromantic



Headcanon voice

Finn (Adventure Time)

Relationship Status



"You call that cute? Bitch please."

The happiest fox you'll ever meet! He's the happy-go-lucky kind of guy with a positive attitude towards most things. Way too bubbly for his own good, Chiffon and his overbearing happiness can be tricky for those who can only handle so much; He's overly optimistic, super hyper, and extremely persistent. He can tone it down when asked, but don't expect it to last more than a mere ten minutes. His heart is way too big to carry on his own, and so he shares it with everyone else by lending a helping hand. He gets excited easily, especially when he sees cute people in fashionable clothing or cosplay. He'll even take pictures of them (with their permission, of course) to use as inspiration or simply to preserve as a memory. He cherishes the opportunity to meet new people and getting the chance to try new things. He's considered an extrovert by some. He's also very daring and eager to take risks, but doesn't always know when to call quits when things get out of hand or when a stunt becomes too risky. Don't mistake his brash demeanor for a lack of intelligence though. When it comes to serious situations, he's pretty clever and knows how to lie his way through things. He can take people seriously and doesn't allow injustice slip through his fingers so easily.

His cheerful exterior and upbeat banter don't mask the fact that beneath his open-hearted smile lurks a broken child. Despite the fact that his problems are hanging heavy on his shoulders, he wanders around brushing them off as if it weighs nothing. He suffers from clinical depression and trauma, leading to maladaptive coping mechanisms such as cutting or binge eating. If someone tries to treat his self-harm wounds, he can be obstinate and even hostile. This is the only time he becomes enraged or confrontational, and he may even become physically aggressive with the individual. He just claims he's fine and that it's no big deal.

(Trigger Warning!)
Despite his positive personal out-look on things, Chiffon’s life wouldn't be set on as perfect or exciting. Disappointment and angst would be the words to describe it. He was born in the city and lived in a modern sized apartment that had three rooms with a kitchen and bathroom. No financial problems occurred since his father was a well-wealth man who worked a good paying office job. He did always come home late around the time Chiffon was asleep so he never got to spend any quality time with his dad. His relationship with his father was so scarce to the point where Chiffon started questioning his father's relationship with him and worried that his father didn't love him at all. While he got no support from his father, His mother was a frail mental woman and was often stuck in the hospital because of her illnesses. She suffered from severe mood swings and heavy hallucinations. Her reactions towards most things were negative. She'd throw many fits if things did not flow her way and her tears would quickly turn into hysterics. It was as if she was a little kid inside of an adult body. It wasn't very pleasant. Chiffon's relationship with his mom was abusive, mentally and physically. She'd often harm him if he did not cooperate as well as she wanted as his mother's standards were far too high which seemed impossible to reach. She wanted Chiffon to behave as a well-being boy who never talked back and done everything as told. Straight A's, cleaning/cooking, constant studying, and lack of social communication was a must. It was difficult for Chiffon to maintain his self-confidence as his mother took it as a sign of narcissism. He was almost always being put down by his mother's words and his small amount of willingness was fading. However, Chiffon was manipulative in these situations because he feared of standing up to him mom. He didn't wish to see her cry or get upset so he'd often do whatever he was told without a fight. While the days his mother was at the hospital from mental breakdowns, Chiffon would often huddle in his room to cry. He was very frail at the time and the only social life he had was at school. He wanted it all to end, not his life but the pain that it brought. Of course that day was surely to come. After a rough day at the hospital, Chiffon's mother came home late at night with his father no where to be seen. It seemed very odd on how his father started coming home later and later each night. Chiffon was quick to notice this without thinking. His thoughts did come to the conclusion that his father was out drinking and didn't want to come home to his mentally sick wife. Chiffon was sadden by the thought but decided to accept it anyways. He felt lonely without anyone so it only hurt him further to see that his father choose alcohol over him. Actually, the idea of his father drinking was false. Chiffon just seemingly jumped into conclusions way too fast and considered that his father was out drinking. Chiffon was off coming back from school getting ready to enter his house until his friend wanted Chiffon to stop by his home for a little while. Despite the consequences he would receive for having social interactions outside of school, he followed his friend anyway. Chiffon followed his friend to their house, using a shortcut. Along the way, Chiffon spotted his father hanging around a women who surely wasn't his mother. They seemed very close, a little too close. Chiffon was petrified from the sight. Has his father been cheating? He couldn't accept the idea that his own father was off spending time with some person whether than himself. It pissed him off as more and more evidence overflowed him. He kept seeing his father with that woman, the woman who wasn't his mother. He couldn't take it anymore. As soon as his feet slammed across the floor, he breathlessly announced the utter secrets to his mother. He expected her reaction to be just as miraculous as his but it wasn't. She kept a calm state which was shocking to Chiffon. The sight of his mother worsen as not a tear was shed. The drama only increased as his father came home again, late night. The two of them had severe arguments that felt like it lasted day and night. As the days flew by, they're relationship scattered and Chiffon's father left her. Without a goodbye to Chiffon and with no remorse. His mother hanged herself a year later due to the traumatic aftermath that it caused for her.

He eventually had to move in with his father and stepmother. Of course not much had honestly changed from his previous lifestyle. His stepmother didn't get involve with Chiffon too much while his father was off busy working & being submissive towards his wife. Chiffon was obviously neglected through-out the rest of his childhood. He became pretty closeted with himself  to the point where his current friends questioned his mental state. It wasn't fair for him, the whole situation was petty. He hated his Stepmother and Father with a burning passion and became aggressive around them or gave them half-assed responses. Chiffon wanted to reverse all psychology and become nicer to his friends and be more violent with his parents. He didn't want it to be the other way around.  During this time he took a high interest in blogging and cosplay. He became more exposed to anime, and took a big liking to it.
This encouraged him to get involved into cosplay competitions to help himself raise money to move out from his rough lifestyle.
He gained a huge following in about six months due to his blogging; in which he hosted a donation page to help him out. Things started to look up for Chiffon once he was able to collect a good amount of money to let him get a apartment. At first, the apartment renters wouldn't allow him to access an apartment due to him only being sixteen. Chiffon explained his current situation and why he needed to move out. He claimed to always pay rent in full each month and to keep a responsible ground. It didn't work and Chiffon had to wait another year before he could be granted ability to move out (with parent's consent, legally.) After so, he did move out officially and is currently working on his mental health. He wants to gain his happiness back.

 Character interactions
Skittles- (Friend)
"I think that guy was totally checking you out."
Skittles is Chiffon's friend and fairy kei buddy. He sometimes plays as Skittles's wing man when when it comes to catching some cute thicc boys. The two go out for drinks and hang out somewhat often. Chiffon lives in the same area as Skittles so distance isn't a problem. Skittles crashes at his place most of the time because it's much more entertaining then at Skittles's home; his father doesn't allow 'unprofessional things like video games. The two get along very well and treat each other like brothers.

Pumpkin- (Friends)
"I'm taller than you. Bow down."
All of their jokes aside, Chiffon and Pumpkin are great friends! They both have attended the same middle school when they were younger and kept contact even after Chiffon moved to live with his stepmother and his father. Chiffon adores Pumpkin a lot and enjoys the time they spend together. He likes to paint Pumpkin's nails and play with his hair. Whenever they have sleepovers, the two cuddle up and watch alien documentaries until they fall asleep; thanks to Pumpkin, Chiffon believes in aliens.      

Parfait- (Flatmate)

"Rent is paid on time. Like always."
Parfait is Chiffon's flatmate, they both split the bills. He gets along well enough to tolerate Parfait but still not enough to actually want to be his friend or even like him. He feels like Parfait gets into his personal business too much; but for good reason. Whenever Parfait spots or notices his self-harm wounds, he'll bring it up to Chiffon and try to help him but Chiffon gets incredibly angry and starts yelling at Parfait to leave him alone. Parfait did manage to convince Chiffon to seek therapy for his Depression. He referred him to his friend Casper, in which Chiffon agreed to get the help he needs.

Casper- (Therapist
"Why am I not happy?"

Delores - (Friend)
"You're a cool person."


-Chiffon runs a blog called "Chiffon's Tea Set."
-He's a quick-witted boy with fast reflexes. Never gamble with him in a race unless you're certain you will win.
-He has a iron deficiency and because of it he faints rather easily.
-He adores fairy kei and pop kei!
-He enjoys photography.
-He used to be big on traveling but depression ended up getting a firm hold of him. Now he rarely, if ever leaves town.
-He's very fond of sweets. His diet is built on nothing but it.
-He loves Little Debbie cakes!
-He listens to Kpop and Jpop
-He plays video games a lot. This includes computer games, app games, and arcade games
-He likes claw machines with cute plushies or candy
-The piercings in his ear are clip-ons.
-He used to like to cosplay but lost the desire to do so anymore.
-He loves Little Twin-Stars!
-He still plays with toys in the bathtub
-He loves Super Mario Bros.
-(TW) He self harms through cutting and burning himself. He becomes aggressive whenever he's suggested to get help for it.

Chiffon's Pinterest Board / Playlist