


3 years, 8 months ago


Pondside Sonata

Conductor of the walking pebbles


NAME Sonata


AGE Late Teens


GENDER Agender


BOND None yet

ML ENTRY GA Seeker 67










Reference Sheet || ARPG Group || Pets


Sonata's a curious seeker who loves making music. He hate being told what to do and prefer to do things his own way, usually in terms of how he plays. He likes making improvs in his tunes, as it brings flavour to the music.

Sonata is also an expressive person. She's got a cartoon-like facial expressions. Sonata has a bad tendency to beat around the bush and drag on the conversation before saying what she really wants to say.


Playing musical instruments
Windy ASMR
Writing songs


Singing practice
Being nagged by Viola
Slabs who mugs him for bottlecaps
Being off beat



From the blessed river comes a small baby seeker. When they came to life, this baby Seeker was surrounded by darkness and the sounds of their surroundings. Chirps of a bird, the sound of the river flow, the whispers of the wind. They hear the sounds of singing as well, beautiful and soft, yet sad in tone.

The little seeker sought to find the source of the voice. Touching the ground and it's surroundings, feeling their way to what feels like a tree trunk. As soon as they reach it, the song had stopped. The seeker croaked out a hello and felt a gentle touch on their face. They can tell right away it was a guide.

The seeker beamed, hoping it would cheer up the guide. The little seeker started to talk about their day, how they tumbled their way to find the guide. They hear the silent sobs of the guide quietly wash away and hear little hums of reactions to their story.

Of course, that's as much as what Sonata remembers of how he met Viola. Since their first meeting, Sonata has been raised by Viola. She's taught him a great deal and he cares for his guide friend a dear lot.


Sonata is taught by Viola on many things. Mostly, she's been taught on how to play musical instruments and singing. Sonata hates singing a lot because she knows she's really bad at it. Whenever she's got singing practice, Sonata tries to run away and hide to pass on the day.

She usually hides in this tree trunk near home where she gets to carve little pebblings and play pretend a concerto. Though lately, she's been bugged about by a naughty little slabster who insists on singing the same tune over and over again.

When Sonata's not practicing, she's brought around places with Viola to places she's never seen. Sometimes they'd play a little ditty to entertain anyone around who'd have a listen.

Lately however, Sonata's been hanging about with a rockstar who calls herself the Guitar Hero. Hanging out with her has been fun as Sonata's been lead to a new musical genre where he can improvise and express himself in more vibrant ways. Viola's not pleased with him hanging out with the Guitar Hero but Sonata feels it's not just because of her musical taste.


VIOLA Bondmate? (Mom?)

First guide he ever met. Viola has taken care of Sonata since he was a babe. She's taught him all about the world and kept him company all his life. Though Sonata won't admit it, but he feels like Viola is like a mom to him.

GITA Bondmate? (Other mom?)

Though she started out as a mentor and an idol, Sonata's grown close to this loud and brash guide. She's been supportive in her endevours of trying out new music and embracing making mistakes. Still, Gita has no idea how to take care of a child, let alone a somewhat rebellious teen who doesn't know how to rebel.


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  • Sonata loves all her pebblings, but if she really had to pick one, she'd say Saxo.
  • Sonata's voice is raspy. Not really ideal for ballad singing or slow songs.
  • He can play any musical instruments but strings and wind instruments are his favourite.
  • Out of all his musical instruments, he hates the bagpipes the most. He wonders why it exists in the first place.
  • Sonata's actually afraid of most slabsters due to a mugging incident when he was a small seeker kid.

code by icecreampizzer