Nathaniel Mechington



3 years, 8 months ago






5’11 / 180 cm


February 14




True Neutral


Nathaniel Mechington

Mechington family younger son

  • Alchemy
  • Mixing drinks
  • "The Bachelor"
  • Cool hats
  • Having to make difficult choices
  • Magic
  • Anchovies
  • Seafood also
  • Yes-man
  • Hopeless romantic
  • Timid
  • Indecisive
  • Quite terrible at engineering, so he turned to alchemy
  • Has considered trying his own potions. Has not done it yet
  • Gets crushes WAY TOO easily.
  • Usually does whatever Tiffany says

Ah, gee, do we really have to destroy Cassidy?

Nathaniel is a descendant of the Mechington bloodline, a family dedicated to inventing machines and engineering tools. He's always looked up to his sister, a mechanical engineering, as a result of his own lack of skill.

Once Tiffany decided she would be starting a rivalry with Cassidy, Nathaniel was excited to start helping her out! However, once he actually got a good look at Cassidy and her friends, he became impressed with their skills... maybe even developing a little crush? He understands why his sister wants them decimated, but do they really have to go?

Thus, Nathaniel always attempts (though usually unsuccessfully) for the two sides to reach some sort of a stalemate or agreement. Even if that means mildly sabatoging both sides! He likes the crew almost as much as his sister at this point, so he can't let either of them go!

Nathaniel is Tiffany's one trusted partner-in-crime. He admires her deeply, so he ends up usually doing whatever she says.

Even though he doesn't want her to actually destroy her rivals, that doesn't mean he won't play along? Kidnapping plan? Sure, he'll do it! If it means he gets to talk to the kidnappee a bit more, y'know? He doesn't mind it, as long as he manages to keep both sides alive.

Out of the entire group, Nathaniel probably admires Teresa most. She's a potionolgist, just like him! And she has cool alchemy combos!

Teresa never notices his interest, though. She mainly chalks it up to him just being Tiffany's weird brother/henchman. Nathaniel doesn't mind. At least he gets to see her cool potions, that's all he needs to be happy.