


3 years, 4 months ago




Rebecca Foprou








November 10


           Science teacher,          inventor
"Oh, there is so much to discover, so much to investigate, so much to create! I feel my brain boil with excitement and ideas! It's so much fun and I can't wait to talk about it with everyone and see what we can do with all this knowledge!"

Rebecca Foprou, is a passionate young chemist, inventor and researcher with a very energetic and vivacious personality who loves to gush about all things related to her research and devices. She is a professor at the "New Dawn" university teaching the subject of science and engineering. If you give her the opportunity to explain something that excites her, she won't hesitate to talk to you for hours. Also, Rebecca is a bit of a pry and loves to talk about her work and experiments, no matter how crazy they may seem.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra. Vestibulum non urna quis mauris mattis lacinia sit amet convallis sapien. Praesent tempus sit amet enim sit amet ultrices.


Rebecca is rather energetic and lively, she is always active and full of ideas... She is not the type that tends to remain still or silent, and if she gets excited about something, she does not hesitate to share her joy and excitement with the first person she meets in her way. Rebecca has a tendency to talk very fast and won't stop talking until she has exhausted or at least entertained everyone around her. However, Rebecca is still a friendly and caring person who loves to listen to others and help them with their problems.

  • talk about her experiments and inventions
  • people with a “skill”
  • comedy movies
  • cupcakes
  • humidity
  • spend her time on other things like washing up
  • lights off
  • the extreme silence

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra. Vestibulum non urna quis mauris mattis lacinia sit amet convallis sapien. Praesent tempus sit amet enim sit amet ultrices.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra. Vestibulum non urna quis mauris mattis lacinia sit amet convallis sapien. Praesent tempus sit amet enim sit amet ultrices.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra. Vestibulum non urna quis mauris mattis lacinia sit amet convallis sapien. Praesent tempus sit amet enim sit amet ultrices.


Rebecca's closest and dearest friend the police officer named Breik Douceur who works closely with her to solve cases. He has a stoic and no-nonsense attitude that acts as a contrast to Rebecca's energetic and lively personality and she often helps Breik with his investigations by creating devices and providing him with valuable information.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

  • In the future when she retires she plans to have a cupcake restaurant and tea.
  • Rebecca has a strong interest in the world of "The animated ones" and is not afraid to get creative and experiment with them, as long as she gets their consent.
  • Rebecca's hobby is baking and especially her delicious rose tea cupcakes.
  • She is passionate about researching the rare cases of individuals having a "skills".
  • Prefers to read on the floor than at a table.
  • She is careless with her image and does not care so much about the care of her hair.
  • Rebecca is also known for being very persistent and she won't stop until she has achieved the results she wants. She's always looking for new challenges and ways to push her abilities and knowledge further.
  • When she's not working, Rebecca loves to have tea parties with her friends to relax and chat.
  • Rebecca's biggest challenge was learning to control her excitement and hyperactivity when talking about research and her various experiments or gadgets with others.
  • Rebecca is obsessed with efficiency and wants to get to the root of things as quickly as she can
  • Her motto is often "let's cut to the chase" in her attempts to save time and get results as fast as possible.
  • Rebecca hates humidity and always keeps her room at a perfect air conditioned temperature to keep things comfortable and dry.
  • Even though she is very intelligent, Rebecca sometimes tends to neglect the safety measures in her experiments and to move too fast in her research, but she always ends up learning a valuable lesson from her mistakes. However, don't underestimate Rebecca's ingenuity in finding quick solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.
  • Rebecca has been described as having a "habit of being too quick to speak... often saying what comes to mind before considering the words or tone".
  • Rebecca enjoys playing board games with her students and colleagues after work. Her favorite is chess, although she also likes playing Monopoly and Pictionary.
  • Some of Rebecca's friends like to play prank on her by speaking extra slowly just to see her reaction.
  • Rebecca's favorite color is pink and she always dresses accordingly. She is especially fond of her pink knee-high boots with decorations and a pink sleeveless shirt with pink and white stripes.
  • Rebecca loves to experiment and create, no matter the consequences or risks. This is why she often needs Breik's assistance to keep her out of danger in her pursuit of creating wonderful things.
  • Rebecca has created many gadgets and machines to aid her research on "The animated ones" and "skills".
  • Rebecca is obsessed with collecting data on rare individuals with incredible "skills" and has often been criticized for being too insistent and even rude when asking them for information. Despite her enthusiasm, Rebecca always makes sure to obtain the person's consent and respects their right to refuse to participate in any research.
  • Design: Artist
  • Sidebar image: Artist
  • Aesthetic images: one || two || three

code by icecreampizzer