Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



My arts and characters contain triggering content, such as gore, self-harm, disorders, nudity, abuse, ptsd, neon colours,  blood, weirdcore/traumacore. Every art with triggering content has warning on it.
Be careful!
If you're still uncomfortable after all, please leave for your own safety. :)

About favourites and dreamies:
I love favourites spam, so don't worry about it!! You can favourite how much you want. Any compliments on my drawings and my characters make me smile. You can put my characters into your dreamies folder, I'm absolutely ok with that. :) <3

About dms:
If dming me, please remember I can sometimes just forget to reply or not having mood to talk with anyone due to my disorders or being busy. I can be sometimes offline long time due to my disorders or my irl stuff, too. Please, also use tone indicators! So keep eye on it, please.

Also sorry for any grammatical mistakes in English. English isn't my native language. :)
Plus don't worry if I'm not friendly or anything like that, I'm very friendly creature!

About age:
If you're adult (18 and over), please interact with me only with non sexual stuff, I'm okay with being friends, tho. I'm minor (16 years old) and I want to both of out sides keep with our boundaries. :)
If you're minor (17 and down), please do not do sexual or romantic stuff with me either. 

Racists, pedos, zoos, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, terfs, russophobes, fatphobes, fake claimers, religious fanatics, nazi, pro-livers, irls, anti furry, any hateful opinions in general, nsfw accaunts (I'm litterally minor)


All people who are blacklisted here have own reasons why they're blacklisted. It's ok to trade my desings to them, but please do not try to make me contact them or put me on group where are they. I do not wish to be around them.



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No thanks!