

3 years, 4 months ago



{ the harrowing knight }


Bubbler was created right when the infection started as a sort of test vessel to see if the vessels could get infected, and as seen in his apperance they certainly can. The Pale King though had no other use for him after that, so locked him away in a room within the palace while deciding how to deal with the infected child. Bubbler was certainly very sentiant, far more then his siblings and very intelligent becouse of dreams. they knew whatever its fate would end up being it would be worse then death so they escaped by killing it guards and running via path of pain where they took shelter in Deepnest. they learned to communicate and fight, though the infection crowded his mind and made it difficult to do such things properly. 

becouse you can keep your mind from light but radience will still twist it

it became angry and murderous as the infection began spread more and taking over, attacking anything on sight and raging through Deepnest. He slowly grew a reputation amongst the arachnids as the "dead knight" and gained the respect of some warriors and creatures of Deepnest and it's vistors including the Hunter and a thin spider by the name of Ralare. The majority avoided them, never approching the vessel dispite their natures.

After the Radiance was defeated and the infection stopped it's spreading his mind returned and he found he didn't know who he was any longer, he had grown taller and gained a fierce reputation he didn't desire so he left Deepnest with the assistance of Ralare and travelled out of Hollownest. He wrapped up his infection but found he had lost his arm completely to it. He began travelling the lands by himself after saying his goodbyes to Ralare, unbothered by hunger or injury. Yet he found the echoes of the Radiance still in his mind, and they caused him to start falling into his old habits again.

it hates the leftovers of his infected state, tired and exuasted by it. He tries its best to be polite and good natured nowadays but struggles as the echoes continue. His goal is only to find a home, nothing else.



Species- Vessel

Pronouns- they/it

Age- same as hollow knight

Relationships- Ralare- old friend, Midwife- friend, The Hunter- ally, Luciery- ally, Pale King- father, White Lady- mother.

Height- Around the same height as Elderbug

Health- uninfected, fairly strong.

Occupation- Sellsword

Blood Color- Dark Orange and black (after radiense is dead, grayish n black)

Weapon- A wide and long nail

Wounds- a large opening in his side were the infection bubbles out

Pros- N/A

Cons- He sometimes attacks others fiercely, missing a arm, weapon is heavy and sometimes hard to stop and control, ect...

Likes- Ralare, good hearted people, being kind, resting, ect...

Dislikes- The Radiance, the infection, the Pale King, bright lights, hurting others, the Ancient Basin, ect...

Alignment- Chaotic Good


Coming of age- When his only purpose was to be used in a test for the king


Battle Theme- N/A


Hunter's Notes- "A strong but strangely friendly creature. It has the same bad taste as those others though"


Special/Unique Traits-

Has a permanent mark from the infection


Charms & Magic information- Doesn't use charms or magic