"Lach" Lachlan Kempsey



3 years, 4 months ago


"Lach" Lachlan

"Lach" Lachlan Kempsey
Libramasculine (They/he)
Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros
Full time free-loader/Adventurer!
Bugs! Adventure! Friendship! Sunshine! Rainbows! Animals!
Bossiness, rules, expectations

"I promise I won't fall again, so lets go hiking! No hiking? Then some other adventure!"

82416589_TCONpGQhEMCQfgS.png?1716448482A spontaneous and slightly chaotic soul who is dedicated to traveling all over Griffia. They are always covered in leaves or have sticks and branches of some sort stuck in their hair from them being determined to climb every tree they come across to earn the best views!

Scatter-brained, but clever! He can come up with solutions for most things, its just a matter of execution since his clumsiness keeps him from following their own ideas most the time, or at least not following them how they were originally intended. LUCKILY (pun-intended), they are incredibly gifted in the luck department. So much so you may be led to believe they have some sort of comedic-level plot armor. It can be ridiculous how many situations they manage to escape by the skin of their teeth or without even noticing the blaringly-obvious danger lurking right behind them.

Hard-headed, to the point that they will not give up on an adventure even if plans A through Z have failed. They WILL find a way to mark off that very specific, forbidden area off their bucket-list if it is the last thing they do!! No one can stop them, not with all the reasonable logic in the world at their disposal.

While they dislike bossy-individuals, Lach can tend to be extremely bossy. Hypocritical? Yes. Do they care? Maybe, if they even noticed or allowed themselves to accept the fact. They don't want to be told what to do or what not to do! They want to lead! They want to lead an entire party of adventurers into that really damp, dark and closed-off cave over there because they heard there was a super epic, fire-breathing dragon inside and if you disagree with that idea then you are a chicken! They are admittedly lacking in the maturity department, but that is besides the point.. Afterall, they live by the saying, "You only live once!" and won't turn tail to any adventure. The more dangers posed, the more epic the tale will be that they get to tell afterwards!

profile html by Hukiolukio