Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

  • Artistic nudity, drugs, cussing, gore and more may be featured on this page. Please take care of yourself and don't visit my profile if you're sensitive to that!

Blacklist (SCROLL)
These people can't own designs of mine nor can they get art from me! If I find out you've offered anything to the users mentioned, you'll be blacklisted too.


- Cacti/Ruvment (Stealing, scamming, block evading)

- Triston Rogers (Pedophilia, stalking, manipulation, blackmailing)


  • Do not draw NSFW of my characters (nudity is fine).
  • Inspiration is fine aslong as its not overboard! 
  • Do not give my designs/art to people who are blacklisted.        
  • Do not commission me if youre under the age of 13.
  • Homophobia, transphobia, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, trans-racials, doxxing, harassment, etc isnt condoned at all.
  • If you dont want a design of mine anymore and plan on giving em away, consider returning them to me please!


• I have MDD, BPD and anxiety. I frequently procrastinate and I can be unpleasant or impulsive at times. Please try to be patient with me!


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