


3 years, 2 months ago


If you close your eyes, it will come

Zakuma Koganei (小金井ざくま)

[ About ]


Zakuma Koganei is a carefree and easygoing guy in his early twenties, standing tall at approximately 180cm. Born into a family deeply connected to bear-related "yokais," Zakuma hails from a lineage steeped in supernatural traditions. And shares a special bond with his twin sister, Kumai. Despite the weight of expectations from his family, particularly his father, who desires him to become a formidable summoner, Zakuma is a self-proclaimed goofball with a penchant for laziness. He prefers to approach life with a lighthearted and playful attitude, much to the chagrin of his relatives.

Zakuma's upbringing involved rigorous training under the guidance of their sensei, Inugami, an Inugami yokai with immense knowledge. From an early age, Inugami instilled in Zakuma and Kumai a deep understanding of the art of summoning, and the exploration of inner power. Through their training, Zakuma and Kumai have developed unique abilities that derived from others in their family. While Zakuma's talents lie in channeling his inner power with a touch of unpredictability, Kumai's abilities lean towards precision and focused control.

[ Personality ]


  • shrimp
  • tea
  • festivals


  • coffee
  • be ignored
  • orders


He's always smiling like stupid. He may be an idiot but that's just how he looks.

Very impulsive and likes to live on the edge, it's not like he's a bad person or hard to get along with, he's actually a really nice guy.

[ Basics ]

AGE about 22
HEIGHT 180cm
RESIDENCE near kyoto
THEME (and headcanon voice)

[ Story & Trivia ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus euismod elit in posuere euismod. Praesent quis tincidunt ante. Cras elit nisl, luctus vel ligula non, lobortis sodales neque. Cras commodo orci et diam accumsan, vel efficitur lacus placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vel nisl a augue auctor tempor. Pellentesque eu nulla volutpat, euismod purus id, venenatis metus. Proin finibus tortor non mauris scelerisque convallis. In sed arcu et urna vulputate cursus ut ut urna. Ut ac velit nibh. Nullam ac condimentum magna. Quisque blandit blandit orci aliquam faucibus. Vivamus facilisis venenatis feugiat. Aenean semper id urna sed venenatis. Cras sapien ipsum, gravida eget ornare vel, iaculis at eros.

Fusce facilisis ante sit amet enim sodales, in placerat lectus sodales. Sed sit amet lectus non nulla scelerisque consectetur. Donec id ligula in leo efficitur efficitur. Aliquam nec dolor ornare, sollicitudin ligula malesuada, sagittis sem. Fusce suscipit, mauris et sollicitudin blandit, dolor felis ultricies ante, et interdum augue eros ac turpis. Nullam sagittis tincidunt luctus. Aliquam bibendum sapien a diam pulvinar imperdiet. Vestibulum cursus facilisis magna nec posuere. Nulla posuere volutpat sapien vel finibus. Nam in dui quis massa ultrices congue. Sed quis placerat urna, ut dapibus dolor. Morbi feugiat euismod aliquam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla porttitor rutrum ipsum non mollis. Nunc efficitur orci ante, sit amet congue libero finibus eu.

  • it's very common to him give nicknames to other people, mostly because he can't remember their real names...
  • when someone asks his age, he needs to do the math with his fingers
  • he has a blue ghost pet called Kippo

[ Relationships ]



They've always been together, and the relationship is typical of siblings. Even though they argue all the time, they can be very affectionate and respectful to each other. They were also trained together by Inugami-sensei for most of their youth.

Even though they are identical in personality and appearance, they appear to have unique and different abilities from each other.



Inugami is very important to him, almost like a mother figure. Affectionately called by Inugami-sensei, she is a powerful yokai in which passed her wisdom through teachings, he admires her a lot, even though it doesn't seem like it, he has a great affection for her, but sometimes he ends up calling her an old lady, and ending getting beaten up by her.



Although at first glance they don't get along very well because of the differences they have in the sense of personality, they may not admit it but they admire each other.

After some inconvenient reason they were kind of forced to spend time together, and that entails exposing the inside to the other in an emotional sense, making them get to know each other better. In fact, without realizing it, they ended up getting closer and they also admire the company together.

And when they're not arguing, they spend a lot of time talking. it can be said that they feel "unnecessary feelings" for each other.



They are also great friends. Usually fight on a daily basis but they get along very well in a matter of harmony.

It's not like they're extremely close, in fact they can go days without seeing each other and stay the same. Nekomaru has a huge crush on Kumai, he finds her very beautiful and attractive, unlike Zakuma, he finds him ugly, even though they seem like the same figure.



Mireso has been looking him since Zakuma was very young and trained with Inugami.

They never spent any quality time apart from a few small battles or arguing, they don't show any interest in it either.
