
VultureClan had its territory burned down by Vultures. The birds dropped flaming branches on the trees. (It used to be a lush forest like QuailClan) No trees or forest ever grew back at all, it is down an ashen wasteland. VultureClan cats have little food and water and have to intrude on other cats territories. All of the other clans have tried to ignore the VultureClan cats. VultureClan is now trying to kill every single cat in any of the clans to try and take over one of their clans. SearingGaze was taught by his mentor that all the other clans had it much better than them, believing this, SearingGaze decided to take what he felt his clan deserved. SearingGaze tried to convince 3 cats within his clan to work with him, to destroy the other clans, each cat ended up having doubts and SearingGaze punished them for doubting him. They hated him and tried to tell their leader, but SearingGaze killed them and used them as an example for his clan. After this, he convinced the rest of the clan that this would be the best course of action. He took the leader position forcefully and threatened any cat that questioned him. VultureClan wants to take over other clans territories. They light their trees / vegetation. After this, they hide within the territory to try and kill any cat that passes by. VultureClan has refused any contact with other clans.