
Premor is the name of the kingdom that Osiris created in an abandoned dimension after he had nowhere else to go after the death of his family. This is the place where Osiris and his current family call home. Just know that once in the dimension, you won't be able to leave unless you have the permission of Osiris. No like, literally, you can't leave. Osiris rules every aspect of it.

Las Noches: This is the underworld of Premor. Its darkside and the palace that Osiris lived in for a pretty long time. That is until he met Ophelia. This is where all the evil spirits live and a place used for punishment.


Los Dias: This is the upper world of Premor. This is were the Harlow-Wastegroves currently reside. This is the home that Osiris created after Ophelia began to live with him. (More like he kidnapped Ophelia and forced her to live with him until she fell in love with him-)
This is the home of good hearted spirits that managed to make its way to its gates. Though, some other spirits live in The Divine Kingdom(This Kingdom is the one that Phoenix, oc of OwOiestPlagueDoctor, rules)53473d1495982b8c28deabf968e78373.jpg?wid