OCs and designs for sale uwu

Last updated: 1.10.2020

Last reviewed: 1.10.2020

Contact me here if ya interested in what I have for sale. Or is there DMs here??? Idek tbh:

Email: [email protected] 





These are subject to change whenever. Keep an eye on the rules and the date of when changes were made before buying the design/OC.

- Make sure to check the Design Tradeability and Terms of use before buying/offering for the Design/OC (Under Ownership in the character menu)

- Do not Sell/Regift/Retrade this design to anyone who isn't on toyhouse. Only to those who have an account. 

-  You only get the design/OC after you have paid in full. Meaning, if you brought it for a RP purpose and the RP starts tomorrow -- Pay fast. Once you have fully given what you owe me, I will transfer the design/OC to you and you may use it.


Not Rules but be mindful:

- Please do not sell this design for more than you got it for unless there’s added art or something. Not a rule but it can bother people sometimes.


Free to do:

- Redesign as long as I'm given credit for the original design (OR if it's an OC I'm selling that I got from someone else, there's no need to give credit unless I had played with the design)



Note: Sometimes this can depend on the character but this is the global kinda thing. Just make sure to check the date it was updated/reviewed.

- Money (Paypal)

- DA Points 

- Art (Picky, need to see your portfolio, need approximate time where you'll finish, would like to see other happy recipients of your art as evidence -- just to make sure you ain't gonna run off with the design)


- Aki points/coins (Akhiro inu species)

- Closed species (With the exception of LEGIT Primagens. I need evidence you got it in a legit way because they're expensive and hard to get and stolen Primagen's feel like they're quite common)

dragon wingsoffire wof Akihiroinu Dragon dragons canine Akihiro inu griffin Akihiro Inu Canine Inu eastern dragon Akihiro inu western dragon wolf snep anthro Gryphon