Arhonia - ARPG World

Arhonia - ARPG World


Arhonia is place where many creatures never seen before live. Humans have their place in this world but these creatures are main species.
Welcome to Arhonia.

The Center

The Center


The Center is a piece of land where creatures may feel safest. It's mostly full of hills and forests with some smaller mountains around. It's a place where many smaller towns have their place, mostly farms and those who seek slow life full of nature.
For long time this place was empty but with years passing more and more folks decided to come back to this quiet place to spend the rest of their life there.


  • A place full of cherful little spirits.
  • The center is only place where Magic is so free and welcoming like in Main Forest.
  • Many places is still undiscovered around there.
  • Some says that Magic have it's own will there and won't let anyone unworthy enter it's land. It may be nothing more but rumor through.

Noteable Locations

Main Forest Safe

To the Main Forest lead, big old bridge build many many years ago by elder ones. While this place may look a bit scary at first it's good to remember it's one of the safest places in this world. Old Magic is still strong there protecting those who need it.

Old Hills Medium Safe

Old Hills is a place where old magic is way weaker but still, you can feel it. Around these places is easier to find small towns or camps for travelers. Safe to stop for a while but with other creatures and humans it has its risk.

Great Lake Medium Safe

The Great Lake is placed a bit away from Old Hills. There are stories of kind spirits dancing on wanter some nights. It's a place that many visits when they are seeking spiritual guidance.

The Ruins

The Nether


The Ruins are known to be rather a hard place to travel through, and even harder to live in. It's a region where many battles were done, where many innocent lost their lives in fights that were not there. Old Magic vanished many years ago and now spirits, ghosts, and monsters mostly roam this part of the land.
Keep in mind to be careful when you go there, traveler.


  • There are many dangerous ruins around.
  • In some places, life is coming back but there are still locations that should be avoided.
  • The underground is full of maze-like caves.
  • Spirit/Ghost hunting? You are in right place, be careful through.

Noteable Locations

Old Village Haunted

NOT SAFE. Rumors say that a long time ago around this part happened slaughter of innocent. Their souls are still trapped there and are able to hurt those who they think are not welcome. Stay away unless wish for death or know their way.

Cave Maze Maze/Unsafe

While there are no angry spirits these caves are a real maze. Once you get in you won't find your way back easily. Some say it's a leftover of magic, others that it's a trick of some elders. Either way, don't go in without Guide.

Small River Unknown

It's just a place many travelers go through. If some of them disappear then who knows why is that. Maybe they decided to stay? Or maybe they didn't have a choice...

The Misty Mountains

The Misty Mountains


A place mostly surrounded by mountains. Mostly safe to be around if you know your way. Best place for travelers looking for a journey to find themself. Many say that after months or years spend around this place they have come back different... maybe better? Who knows.
Keep in mind it's still better to at least start with someone else, we don't want to get lost right?


  • Find your path or get lost...
  • Mountains, mountains, and then some more mountains.
  • Mostly a dangerous place but have its charm.
  • Keep your eyes open for large shadows on the ground, but maybe better don't look up too much.

Noteable Locations

Lost River Medium Safe

Simply a beautiful sight. A place where you can find yourself again... or so they say. Keep one eye open through, who knows what lurks in these forests around you.

Mountains of Fallen Dangerous

Some say they saw flying giants around there, others that they saw monsters. Not much information about these mountains. Most common is that sometime in history a whole army had fallen there. If you have a bit of luck you may find a skull or two.

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