

"My son. 

The day you were born,
the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name.



Reth'lyssa Winterbreath, who once was a Warden and followed Maiev, now is a Demon Hunter, who returned to her people and her wife, Naeshie, trying to find her place in this world after the fall of the Legion.

Illidari Kaldorei


Naeshie Shadestep is a Night Elf sentinel and huntress who is both loyal to her people and ruthless to her enemies.Many things changed for her long gone wife, who was considered dead, returned to her.

Sentinels Kaldorei


Belteria Nethersong is a young Netherwing dragon who took the shape of an elven woman to learn more about the world beyond Outland and decided to live among the people of the Alliance.

Dragons Netherwing