Emerald Archipelago

A scattered collection of vibrant islands out on the tropical seas, paradises each.

Each island has its own rainforest, though the bigger ones in the cluster appear to have more diverse biomes, including clouded mountains and deep marshlands among their crystal blue waters. The colorful people who live here are a seafaring sort, not as advanced in technologies as some of the mainland cultures, but they enjoy and prefer their ways of life. Fishing and agriculture are among their many exports, and while they are cautious of other human visitors, they still show a fond hospitable side unless provoked.

They are many peoples with a deep-rooted belief in surf and sky, worshiping gods and spirits of both with a heavy reverence and fear of what can be done to them. Local creatures include pods of friendly Ghoti and a few colonies of both Batti in the marshes and Tuliki across mountaintops, but a lack of native Enteli and Badawi make such common creatures elsewhere foreign to them.