Starlight Theatre Co

the world is our stage and the stars are our audience

⋆ Starlight Theatre Company ⋆

The Starlight Theatre Company are a group of traveling cats who perform fabulous plays from around the world. Every cat in the troupe participates, from the time they can help pass out banners, to when they're performing Shakespeare with perfect recitation. The cats travel, sharing their plays, but thanks to the magic of theatre (and that crystal orb they picked up a few years back) they're able to return home to reset their props whenever needed.

The Starlight Theatre Company is not restricted by measly things such as "dimensional borders", and the magic of the stage carries them to whoever needs to see their show most. They'll stay in an area for two weeks, performing for five days, and restocking supplies, trading as needed, and mingling with the locals. But in the end, the show must go on, and the troupe continues on to those next in need of their services.

The Starlight Theatre Company divides its workers into four sections. Actors, Stage Crew, and Musician. The specifics are as follows: Actors Youngling -> Student -> Lead / Ensamble / Understudy Stage Crew Youngling -> Student -> Soundboard Operator / Fly System Operator / Stagehand / Usher / Prop Managment Musicians Youngling -> Student -> Pit Musician / Composer Let it be known that these roles are often fluctuating, as a cat might be Lead Actor in one performance, only to be cast as Understudy in the next. There is also a final position that cats may take, although this is only for the senior members of the troupe. The Directors, who manage the play and ensure all props are created as needed, supplies are packed properly, and relations with the clan they are currently visiting are kept good. The Directors consist of the Stage Manager, the Conductor, and the Technical Director. These three work to keep the plays going, even when obstacles might prevent the performance from happening.

There is also a little secret about the Starlight Theatre Company. You see, they do not just put on the plays, but rather, they are the plays. Each of the cats embodies a character from a performance. By the time a Youngling is made into a student, they are usually aware of who life has cast them as, and with the help of the Directors, are able to try and keep their life from turning down the same path. The cats are blessed with these characters as a warning, a guide on what to avoid. However, if a cat is not careful, then the boons of their character may just bleed over to the real world as well...

The Starlight Theatre Company is currently performing: Les Misérables