::Minor Villains::

These are characters who are enemies to the protagonists and assistants to the main villains! They follow those highest in command and, unlike the antagonists, don't normally have a streak of justice in them.
They may be a problem, but they're pretty much nothing if their bosses are defeated. Some are extremely devoted to their bosses, while some just want to feel powerful.

*"*Possible to have a change of heart?:This question will be underneath the "Occupation" section. This shows that if certain events happen in their storyline, their morals and role of the villain have a possibility of changing to the protagonist's side. If "yes", then they may have a chance of becoming good (this isn't 100%, but there's a chance). If "no", they are loyal to the major villain to the very end. If "maybe", it is either difficult to do so or it is undecided at the moment.